alphafrost's blog

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Dirty, dirty desires

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Black n' Gold

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Uopdates; New comp! And whatnot.

Hey guys! I have really, REALLY huge news. I'm getting a new wireless computer, with more storage space for stuff. Yayayay! <3. I was away for a week because I had camp, and will be gone again tomorrow, so if you wanna talk to me, you know how to. Smiling. And the comp is a /touchscreen/ (It's a.. I forget, lol). Yeah. Smiling
Alphafrost's picture

Raw love is truthful love

Hi. Laughing out loud. Me again. So... Y'know, jumping on the bandwagon of love, n' all that jazz. /giggles. Sorry, just tired and hyper at the same time. 8C 8D
Alphafrost's picture

Alanis Morissette - You owe me nothing in return

Another poem - I'm sorry, I'm crying and need to let loose my soul. Whatever is left.
Alphafrost's picture

For anyone, and everyone here; A poem

Song; Du Erinnerst Mich An Liebe (You remind me of love) By; Ich + Ich
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Video Comissions. = The original thread. Please read all of it, and you'll help out a family.

Don't know why it did that. 0.0
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Just wondering if anyone ever is on FeralHeart? Or know what it is? You can fin info at;

I'm Shellz on there, you can request a map, if you so wish it of me, but I only do heightmaps, m'afraid. But I can teach you how to do it without using a Yt tut. :'3. Anyway, yeah. My post~

This post is sexy. ._.
Alphafrost's picture

x) I had to.

I'm sorry, I watched Cats at Poke Joy Hall and this brought back memories... x)
Alphafrost's picture

Have you noticed?

I feel like everyone in my.. um, let's call it a generation - A years' time, and they all just.. post that they are leaving and do. I know it can be for all sorts of reasons - Sickness, In-game drama that's boring them, ect. But.. Have you noticed it? Shocked
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