Raw love is truthful love

Alphafrost's picture
Hi. Laughing out loud. Me again. So... Y'know, jumping on the bandwagon of love, n' all that jazz. /giggles. Sorry, just tired and hyper at the same time. 8C 8D

You're left with a fleein'
Feeling of regret,
I can't lose you're,
Lovely eyes,
Or the way you know how,
To dance, and chase the passion,
Of loving someone,
With you're soul,
So pure, so simple,
Such a damn heartbreaker,
Stop this madness,
Stop inadvertently destroying my heart,
You can tell me about you're fears,
You're deepest desires?
Why not?
And why?
Because you,
You, you with all you're glory,
Can't seem to find the end,
The end of this torture.
I won't apololgize,
I can't emphasize,
But hey, maybe,
Just maybe,
Tearing me apart,
Will be enough,
Bridge the gap,
Burn the ladder,
Then tell me,
Tell me you never,
Ever want to see me again,
And I will never stop,
Never can and will,
Stop loving you.
Just don't,
Don't leave,
Me in denial,
If it's your trial,
It's gonna be you're,
Arms I die in,
Because I refuse,
To let you choose,
Because when you choose,
You always choose wrong,
Makin' me suffer,
Makin' me want to leave you,
You always draw me back,
Like a moth,
To a flame.
If you want a mid-life crisis,
At 50,
I won't judge that,
I'll love you all the more,
But tell me what you want,
I can consent to being a doormat,
But you owe me nothing in return.
It's my privilege,
To hear you're lovely voice.
Stop makin' me cry,
Because inside,
I know I'll just die,
Some more.

If there is somethin',
Somethin' you need?
Beck and call,
I'll come,
I'll stay,
Hell, I'll sob,
But I won't die without you,
I promise you that,
That and so much more.
You can ask,
You can hope,
But my love for you,
S'like a drug,
So sweet,
So painful.

If you really,
Really wanna,
Hear my screams,
Just say so,
I'll worship the ground you walk on,
But can you tell me something?
How much do you love me?
If at all?
Can I see doubt in you're eyes,
Or is it fear?
I only give thanks for meeting you,
I only give thanks for understanding you,
I only give thanks that
I have seen you in heels,

If you must emphasize,
Say so to try it,
Then emphasize with me,
The world is cold,
Bleak, sometimes,
And I need you,
If you really want this soul to drop,
Toward Heaven,
Toward Hell?
Maybe just toward.
But it's funny world,
So damn funny,
Because when you think about it?
I've already died in you're arms.
And maybe gone to heaven.
I don't cry because something scares me,
I cry because there are people like you,
To make my head hurt,
To make me sob with joy,
I know not,
But I still love you.
Thank you,
Thank you for what you have give me,
What you have taken,
Just be honest with me,
What love can I have?
I adore you,
Would do anythin' for you,
But will it ever be enough?
For you?
For me?
You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give, because I love you.