Dhina Observation 1/1/10

Alecsander's picture
This is one of logs of Dhina's observations in the forest.
Note the date in the title.
Confused? This page has all the main information

-Flowers and mushrooms sprouted up
-Two nightfall pelted deer are making 'sad' emotes at each other. One has the peacock antlers and the whistle mask. The other the big long mask yellow antlers and no mask.
-They are not sitting facing away from Dhina
-Two fawns and a beluga doe are also sitting in the group.
-A noh pelted deer with no antlers or mask is sitting behind Dhina facing away.
-A zombie deer with candles just ran past.
-Another fawn joined the first two and all 3 are jumping around.
-One just approached Dhina and ran away.
-A nightfall pelted deer with poppies is sitting in a mushroom circle on a hill.
-The nightfall deer with the big antlers keeps trying to sneak closer to Dhina
-Having to move her farther and farther away from the group as a result.
-The group of nightfall deer/fawns have started a nuzzle fest.
-Fawns sure do like to hop a lot
-Virgil is sitting ontop of a mushroom.
-Virgil dropped down and does not recognize Dhina with her new picto. He keeps trying to play with her.