Deerdre's Journal
May 26, 2017 - 6:58am — Deerdre

Image by RiddledRhyme
May 25
25 May 2017
All dark, all quiet. I open my eyes, but it's still so dark. I see nothing, nothing... and then... light? Light. A little at first, then more, until it's all around me. Where am I? What am I? I blink. I can see, now -- trees, tall trees. A forest.
I have no memories, but I am happy and I like the tall trees. I feel safe. For now.
I am wobblies, but I can move. My paws can feel the soft dirts, I likes it. I takes a step... another... it's not so bad. I open my mouth and I hear a little rowl. It comes from me? I try again. Yep, that's me...
A noise in the distance. Someone else here? I turn my head... yes! Big. They're much bigger than me. They do a funny movement -- a bow. I bow back.
Friend took me all around the forest, showing me the different magics that could be mastered. We played with changing our skin, and even our faces, but my favorite part was when he showed me how to change into a bird. I flied around on my new wings, he joined me as a big, big raven. We had such fun flapping around and shaking our feathers, cawing and tweeting.
By then my eyes got heavy, and I know I will be leaving this wonderful place. I nuzzled my hea against my new friend, I would miss them. I sunk to my belly and nestled into the grass, sleep was almost instant, and in my dreams we were flying together again.

12 June, 2017
I'm getting bigger. I understand things a little better. I like some of these creatures, not all. I run around the forest, pouncing on dragonflies and growling at the big deer.
I found the biggest deer. He was patchy, with big fluffs on his body. He had teeths like me, I liked that. His name was Czerno... bog? I think. Too long name, I didn't like that. I call him Mr. Big. I kept rubbing my head on Mr. Big's legs and purring. We played a little, he's much faster than me though so that's not fair.
Then we found another deer -- Utano. I liked her, she was feisty. But not as much as Mr. Big. I headbutted her and we played fighting. Then we all three sat still for a long time and I fell asleep.
14 June, 2017
I found a lots of deer today, they were all in a group together. One was cool, he had two faces. I challenged them all to a play fight, but nobody would play with me. Boring. Then I got in trouble for headbutting everyone.
I found out you have to say 'hello' to people before headbutting them. I guess. I tried to do them both at once but you have to do one at a time. Hello first, then headbutt.
Later two-faces (whose name is Jude I guess) started doing this weird move thing. Dancing. I was confused at first, but after I tried it it was fun. Yeah. I like Jude, he's fun.
Then I met a big wolf deer who finally play fighted with me! I really, really, really liked him.