Deer hunting with Poltergeist.

Seele's picture
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Hello there everybody, and welcome to “Deer Hunting with Poltergeist”, starring your favourite host, Poltergeist!

Howdy there, glad you’re here! I’ve got some great tips on how to catch that buck you’ve always wanted.

We’re looking at a fine 12 point buck here, a nice scar on his face.
The first thing you do in such a case, is pin their eyes out. Like this!

You’ll be replacing them later with glass eyes. Perfect!

Now take off the head! Lookin good huh? This fiiine specimen has some huge rack! It’ll be beautifull.

Next, you’ll need to pick a gooood wall to hang your prize on. How about this one? Looking great! Come on, hang that head up, it’ll look nice!

Well now, can’t deny this looks great now can you? Perfect in any family home!

Smile to the camera! And this is how you get that perfect look for your living room. Or destroyed church, whatever.



AND NOW for some doodles on the subject of today ;_; X”D Virgil and Poltergeist hung out, and went crazeh.

And last but not least, a little Lucian and Dajhi comic I made about Dajhi eating everything. True story people.

Hope you enjoyed! ♥
ShadowsofLight's picture

3. 2. 1. LOL.





Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
toboe's picture

OMG XDD! -rolls laughing-

OMG XDD! -rolls laughing-
Ayanel's picture

LMAO I couldn't stop laughing

LMAO I couldn't stop laughing after the last one xDDDD
Kiraki's picture

XD I love the expressions

XD I love the expressions <3




OMG. I DIED. <333


PFFFFT Hahaha <333

That's epic sauce right thar :3
Dajhi's picture

pfffff!! welcome to Misako's

pfffff!! welcome to Misako's crazyness!! I loved so much everything, and yes the last one I blame Dajhi for not being selective about what she eats :3

But... ;_;

OMG LOL /dead and your

OMG LOL /dead
and your doodles. are great.
Verycrazygirl's picture

Thank you so much for this

Thank you so much for this guide Polt! I'll use it and shall surely have a new decoration in the morning. You're pro Laughing out loud Thank you!

ROFLLLLL today was so much fun! xD I hope we have more days like this in future. POLT MISSLE and emo herdddd! <3333333333333

Lucian's expressions made me laugh. xD He's so cruel to that poor little Dajhi! :P

Spyrre's picture

Poor Virgil! D= Haha,

Poor Virgil! D=
Haha, wonderful comics, I´m still laughing here. XD XD
Seele's picture

PFF you guys, I'm glad you

PFF you guys, I'm glad you liked them! X"D I'm never sure if my humor amuses everyone else but myself. Anyway thanks~ I really like doing short stuff about forest happenings, because dang deer are silly D8 So hopefully I'll do more! 8D XD
Hraeth's picture

-snerk- ...ROFL.



XD these are awesome

XD these are awesome

Yesh, you have to do more!

Yesh, you have to do more! XDDD

LOLOLOL nice! x3

LOLOLOL nice! x3