Deer Dreams

quadraptor's picture
"I never really told you this before...", his voice softly spoke, "I often dream of you."

"How so, you ask? Well..."

"I see a young boy. He is holding a fossil in his hand, staring at it proudly and saying to his parents, 'See? It is a trilobite! It's called that because it has three lobes!' Oh he has other possessions, but this is one of his favorites. He loves the animals, even those who have died long ago..."

"Then I see him a little older. He enjoys the company of others, and still loves to collect things. He is very adventurous, and is listening to his CD player. Journey is playing into his ears, and as he listens, he dreams of other worlds and other beings..."

"Now I see him as a young adult. His mind has slowed, and he struggles in college. He lost his dream of being an adventurer, and is trying to learn how to program but has become frustrated. He feels like his life is meaningless, and even at one point considered throwing it all away..."

"But now I see him a year later. He is studying geology. His life is starting to come back into focus, and little by little he is seeing his dream come into view. Maybe one day he will be a great explorer, maybe one day he will go unearth the old fossilized animals he once loved, maybe one day..."

"His goal is set now. He is almost done with his college work. He has learned much in the past few years, and I even see his confidence growing. I see a young man who has gone through many years of doubt, anger, loneliness, and frustration, and with all that he has learned, he has become someone who will pursue his dreams..."

"Follow your cannot deny them!"

"I had one last dream..."

"The man met me."

In Every Color, There's The Light.
In Every Stone Sleeps A Crystal.
Remember the Shaman, When He Used To Say,
"Man Is the Dream of the Dolphin Deer."

- Enigma
Verdalas's picture

Oooo. I like this! ^_^

Oooo. I like this! ^_^
Vala 's picture

Love your "deerdreams""

Love your "deerdreams""<<33
" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥

quadraptor's picture

Thanks XD It was a

Thanks XD It was a spontaneous idea.
Fledermaus's picture

I love this idea

I love this idea <333