The Deal. (Violence/gore warning)

ocean's picture
Halloween trade for Scythe.

Violence warning. Don't read on if violence/gore bothers you! <3

He was waiting for her.

When he spied the little blue shape coming towards him, laying in the shallows, he smiled. The fog was obscuring her blue color, but it was still visible. All around, candles guttered and snapped. Blood-red water lapped at his hooves, covering them. It was All Hallow’s Eve.
Perfect. He had known she would come.

“Wesker!” she called.

He greeted her with a nuzzle. His beautiful little mate was so unsuspecting.

“Kaoori.” He smiled. She would never know, would she? Wesker had been silently waiting for the perfect opportunity. He had been offered a deal he just couldn’t refuse. It was time to carry out his side of the plan.

It would be over in a snap.

Beneath the mask, his mouth curved into a cruel smile. The stag’s eyes were sparkling. Kaoori had sensed something wrong, he could see. She had begun to back away from him, eyes showing all of her alarm. With a few steps, he wound up behind her, forcing her to step forward into the shallows.

“Wesker, what’s wrong…?” she asked, shaking her head. Kaoori couldn’t believe it. What on earth was he doing? She took a few more steps backwards and he followed her, pressing her to the line between the shallows and the deep, dark red water below.

“Kaoori…You wouldn’t deny me something I dearly wanted, would you?”

Kaoori was almost relieved. Was that it? She shook her little blue head, smiling at the large elk.

“No, Wesker. I love you. You know that.”

He felt nothing at those words. Wesker knew what he wanted. He needed it, more than he needed a tie to some silly little blue doe.

He'd keep telling himself that.

“I need to fulfill my end of a certain deal, dear. Unfortunately, the price is a bit…expensive.” By this time, he was leaning in close to her, speaking quietly into her ear. He could feel a quiver of tension go through her, electric.


“I’ll make it quick. You will never know, Kaoori. I promise.” With that, he leaned down and bit through her neck, tearing with the recently sharpened teeth of his mask. Wesker had prepared for this night for a long while. His mate hardly had time to scream before her body went limp, falling into the blood-red water.

Nobody would ever know. There would be no blood, no evidence. He would simply tell them all she had left the forest for awhile, that she had wanted to go alone. When she didn’t come back, he would tell them of the tragic accident that had befallen her, the murderous wolf that had taken her life as she had come back to the forest.

Nobody would blame him, nobody at all.

With a callous kick, he dumped the body into the depths of the pond, watching it sink. Behind him, a large white shape approached, stopping at the shallows.

“It is done?”

“Yes.” Osias smirked, bowing his head. Wesker looked back at him with distaste, but he knew there was no other way.

“She was becoming quite a nuisance…Now, let’s talk about your reward, Wesker. I believe you wished to be immortal once more? Walk with me.”

With that, the two shapes disappeared into the fog, which swallowed them whole. Behind them, the pond did not even ripple.

[[Lol, apparently evil!Wesker has no qualms about making deals with deadly enemies. 8D

Not sure how much I like this. |:]]
Kaoori's picture

ff sjkdfhasldk omg I don't

ff sjkdfhasldk omg

I don't like our characters' evil sides. ;_;
ocean's picture

LOL KAOORI. ;; Trap them all

Trap them all in a box and never let them out. :j

FFF. Lovelovelovethis.

Lovelovelovethis. ♥
Scythe's picture

Haha, so the tables have

Haha, so the tables have turned this year. I love how a lot of the evil entries seem to center around Wesker and Kaoori having it out for each other. XD

Seriously, though, this was great and you did a wonderful job keeping the characters in character, considering. Deals with Osias never end well, but this one was entertaining to read. Many thanks, ocean. ^^
ocean's picture

Selruil: Thanks a bunch! I'm

Selruil: Thanks a bunch! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Scythe: LOL. It's just too much fun to do it that way. ;D

Thank you, I'm glad they stayed to their characters and I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^^
ickydog's picture

Evil Wesker is eviiiiil.

Evil Wesker is eviiiiil.
Kobal Snuff
Zergarikiaka's picture

(No subject)

Haha, for some reason I always love these kinds of stories.
Love your writing too.
*not sure what started all of these Kaowes murder stories though. Shall have to look.*
ocean's picture

Thanks Zerg! ^^ LOL. It's a

Thanks Zerg! ^^

LOL. It's a treeeend.