Day Among Friends 8D [Images]

EmmaJoycen's picture
Oh, yesterday was by far one of the best days I've had in the forest in a long time. Lately I haven't been able to really find many deer willing to handle a random mini-deer who likes just running in random circles and can't get enough of running through trees with that cool noise and blue fwuffy fog-looking stuff. x3 Yes, Adonis does that ....... a lot. And he laughs at everything. I don't know if any of you actually reading this do this, but I do. I talk and laugh to the computer and get weird looks from Mom when she looks in. XD I'm over here laughing and yelling for someone to come back, or Awwwwing when someone question is this normal? Sticking out tongue

And now, for pictures. =3

This deer, I would loooove to know the name of, and who you are, because you were awesome! -clings- You're now one of mah mini besties! XD (And yes you will probably rue the day you met me. XD)

Hehe, we started a little dance thing.

Adonis would like to apologize if he scared this deer today, he only wanted you to join in the little group of deer he'd made. :'C

Um....I was doing this a lot; do you notice something odd about Quamars backside? X'D Epic Adonis. I'm sorry, I had to, so tempting. (Yes that IS a snout.)

Oh, my, goodness. This was soooo fun. It was me, Quammy, Ephra, and two deer who I don't know the names of. XD I would love to know who you are, because it was great fun. ^-^

Such a wonderful day in the forest. ^-^
parrotsnpineapple's picture

Sure does look like you had

Sure does look like you had some fun!
Great screenshots too xDDD

Ephra's picture

I think the other two deer

I think the other two deer are Virgil and Beethoven. Yesterday was lots of fun! Laughing out loud
