Dae Su's Profile

Geethelove's picture
Name: Dae Su

The meaning of the name:
Hes named after a monster. Well, technically not an actual monster, but a Korean who was called the monster. His real name was Oh Dae Su, and he was an Old Boy.

Gender: Stag

D.O.B: Nov. 1st, 2008

Pictogram: http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/register/pictogram.php?username=Geethelove

Orientation: Straight.

Mate: He doesn’t have one.

Friends: At the moment he is still trying to make friends, Its hard being a monster but having a kind heart. Hed love to make as many friends as he can, the more around him, the less hes the monster.

Personality: Hes got a heart, a huge one. But, being a monster he has two sides of him, which he tries so desperately to get rid of the darker side. Hed befriend anyone, and would defend them as much as he possibly could. Although such an extravagant personality, he is usually shy and weary about the others. He hopes they don’t judge him as the monster he is inside. He just wants to be Dae Su and get along today.

Appearence: Since hes so young right now he doesn’t have any.

His Signature Sayings are two things.
He got them from his name.
??? ??? Question?. ??? ? ?? Question.
(Laugh, and the world laughs with you.
Weep and you weep alone.)


Even though I'm no more than a monster - don't I, too, have the right to live?

What he would look like if he were a human:
This is Oh Dae Su :
Probably him : (I will make actual drawings eventually…but base him off of these)
Song : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8nCCeRPa5E

There will be many more updates, im positive about that.
Right now, hes off to go play with bubbles. Laughing out loud
Fledermaus's picture

Very interesting character

Very interesting character concept Smiling I hope to meet you in the Forest sometime.
Geethelove's picture

thank you very much:D id be

thank you very much:D

id be very happy to meet you in the forest.Smiling
Pegasicorn's picture

Dae Su sounds interesting.

Dae Su sounds interesting. =]

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
The Wannabe Ninja
Geethelove's picture

oh hes an interesting

Laughing out loud oh hes an interesting boy...hehe


I'll be your mate -

I'll be your mate Eye

- SephyNox
- SephyNox