Name: Deerdre
Picto: Click here
Gender: Female
Age: Fawn
Set: Unknown
Size: Eleven
Reference: Here
Voice: Unknown -- currently mute
Orientation: Unknown
Inventory: None
Psychology: Seems playful and fairly energetic. Somewhat feral child. Likes to growl at and head-butt those she likes. Will run and hide from those she doesn't. Makes snap decisions about whether or not she likes someone, apparently at random.
Plush, soft fur. Mostly white with darker grey rosettes along her body. Small spots at the corners of her ice-blue eyes. Large ears, protruding fangs, big soft forepaws and deer-like hind legs.
- Adores.
Utano - Curious of.
Other Information
♦ .
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an iCSS Production
Track! hello there
Tracking because that's
yes mine