Nayu's picture

It took time to find the correct words, but The Corner is just about players having fun, being random, and staying light-hearted.

Lets add a little " Currently listening to" section here:
Notify me poeplz, so I can add your newest music addictions.

To contact me:
Feel free to add me.

Nayu's picture

Nah! They're mine! Don't you

Nah! They're mine! Don't you dare eat them!

*jumps on Flyleaf's belly restlessly*

Siggy by Butterbrot <3

ROFL I´m so relieved that I

I´m so relieved that I ate already. xD
Nayu's picture

Pancake woman ain't your

Pancake woman ain't your type?
So sexy.

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

How you know is a pancake

How you know is a pancake woman ? lool
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Nayu's picture

I have a full pocket of witty

I have a full pocket of witty comebacks but there are all disgusting!

Pancakes woman! Cuz I'm not so much into pancakes boys.
( hmm, that could be viewed as a confession I guess!)

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

Looool!! Maybeeee ?

Looool!! Maybeeee ?
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Nayu's picture

Oui cher monsieur!

Oui cher monsieur!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

Haha , ma demoiselle

Haha , ma demoiselle Eye
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Xemi's picture

You guys are retarded but I

You guys are retarded but I love you. LOL <3
Flyleaf's picture

Yaee ! We are !! I looveee

Yaee ! We are !! I looveee youuuu tooooo
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Xemi's picture


Nayu's picture

So true! ROFL. Luv u

So true! ROFL.
Luv u 2.

Mehiz off to sleep, see ya soon space kittens.

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Xemi's picture

Niiiight :'D

Niiiight :'D <3
Nayu's picture

Connecting. Hyper lazy mode.

Hyper lazy mode.
Sticking out tongue

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
SobekNofru's picture

XD Look Nayu i'm a tiny

XD Look Nayu i'm a tiny fawn!

And we were crazy deer who can't decide to be old or young!
But Nixelen had to go <-(

Do you know who the fawn is?

Wocio is there! Laughing out loud
Siggy by Bu <3
wocio's picture

lol I was just standing there

lol I was just standing there and and...
xD that was fun Laughing out loud Laughing out loud
SobekNofru's picture

How long did you stand

How long did you stand there?! I didn't recognize you! XD

And WOCIO! I havn't congratulated you on your avatar yet. Fangorn looks so handsome! X-P X-D
Siggy by Bu <3
Nayu's picture

Cruhuhuhu! You've been

Cruhuhuhu! You've been ninja'ed hard wocio.
Sorry Sobek, I dunno who the little guy is, but I hope he/she will find us somehow, because the map doesn't work for meh at all.
So this was Nixelen? Hope we'll meet him again.
Laughing out loud

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
SobekNofru's picture

Hmm... I guess my connection

Hmm... I guess my connection is really BAD!!! D:
You aren't moving at all!!!
Looks like you all were wax figures...
Siggy by Bu <3
wocio's picture

XD I don't know how long I

XD I don't know how long I stood there! It was like 5 minutes.. but probably it was more Laughing out loud
I do that often Evil it's so fun how you guys don't notice me until I'm almost beside you heheheheheHEHEHEHHE Evil

Don't you think it would look better if it was drooling?? 8D <-----(hmm I dont know if I spelled this correctly >.<)
Nayu's picture

It happens sometimes when you

It happens sometimes when you buttonmash using the escape key a lot!
We are sitting by the tree where we were dancing; come quick.
The little fawn left...I'm not sure I'll even rember its picto. *sighs*
I'll leave for a while, gotta go join a friend for coffee.
Nayu will stay put!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
wocio's picture

Heey that happens to me to..

Heey that happens to me to.. It's so frustrating!
I think its something about the connection Sad
Nayu's picture

Lol wocio! It's not the first

Lol wocio!
It's not the first time you creep behind us like that, your ninja skills are bluffing.
Fan would look like such an old dork, a bib would fit just as well!

I'm goin'!
Big bunny is there, I've been sitting just like now with him for hours yesterday.
Luv him to death.

See ya all later.

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
wocio's picture

YAY A BIB! I approve the

I approve the motion 8D

SobekNofru's picture

Bye Nayu! : -) And Wocio:

Bye Nayu! : -)

And Wocio: Fangorn is an evil deer stalkin deer! XD
But where is a bib!?!

I wonder were all these nice deer came from at the same moment...
The red one dancing on me is Liebe... I met him earlier. He's really new at the community but has a bio already...
Liebe is deutsch and means love...(and deutsch is german and means german XD)
Siggy by Bu <3
Flyleaf's picture

Richtig , ja !!

Richtig , ja !! Laughing out loud
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
SobekNofru's picture

@ Flyleaf Wir können uns ein

@ Flyleaf Wir können uns ein wenig auf deutsch unterhalten nur um die anderen zu ärgern! >D

@Nayu I know you are not there any longer... But i have to say i luv this bunny too!
Siggy by Bu <3
Flyleaf's picture

Haha ! Hab das schon mal mit

Haha ! Hab das schon mal mit Nayu auf französisch gemacht Laughing out loud
Ich glaube aber Kamino wird uns verstehen .
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Kamino's picture

...(pfeift)... (ich


(ich spioniere euch auch auf Französisch aus. Bin ich nicht mächtig als Beherrscher all dieser Sprachen?! >: -D )
Flyleaf's picture

Youuuuu Stalkerrrr ,

Youuuuu Stalkerrrr , creeperrrr Exclaim Laughing out loud Nur nicht auf luxemburgisch Puzzled
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
SobekNofru's picture

Luxemburgisch ist toll! Ich

Luxemburgisch ist toll! Ich würde es echt gern mal gesprochen hören!
Siggy by Bu <3
Flyleaf's picture

Toll ?? warum?? Würde ich

Toll ?? warum?? Würde ich nicht so sagen ! Naja.............
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
wocio's picture


SobekNofru's picture

Was ist es dann, wenn es

Was ist es dann, wenn es nicht toll ist?
Poor wocio...
Siggy by Bu <3
Kamino's picture

D'oh! x-( (aber dafür kann

D'oh! x-(
(aber dafür kann sich hier niemand auf Luxemburgisch mit dir unterhalten...^^)

Wanna learn Luxemburgisch! : -DDD
Fly, was hast du gegen deiner Landsleute Sprache? Bist du etwa kein überzeugter Luxemburger? >: -O

Wocio: Do you want to speak spanish? <-D
Btw, I still love your avatar. I always have to laugh when I see it. x-D
Flyleaf's picture

Dann ist es "Nicht soooo

Dann ist es "Nicht soooo toll" Laughing out loud . Ist ein bisschen wie holländisch ( Aber nur ein bisschen Eye ).
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
SobekNofru's picture

Holländisch ist auch toll!

Holländisch ist auch toll! Laughing out loud :D Laughing out loud
Siggy by Bu <3
Flyleaf's picture

@Kamino Nein bin kein

Nein bin kein "Reiner" luxemburger !! Mein vater ist Franzose ! Ich hatte bis 18 die französiche nationalität ,habe aber dann die luxemburgische gewählt !
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Kamino's picture

Aber das ist soch

Aber das ist soch SSSSOOOOOOOO TOLL! Mann, ich bin so neidisch! Ich kann keine tolle Sprache außer Latein...

Wocio Lets's talk in

Wocio Lets's talk in spanish!! 8D
wocio's picture

@Kamino: Lo sé, mi avatar es

@Kamino: Lo sé, mi avatar es genial! 8D


Soy un cuervo gigante! YAAAY

Edito: 8D Hola hermanita qué tal te va?? xD
Flyleaf's picture

But latin must be cool !!

But latin must be cool !!
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
SobekNofru's picture

I can speak italian (well,

I can speak italian (well, not so good...)
This is a amazing language too! Laughing out loud
Siggy by Bu <3
Flyleaf's picture

@Wocio :Wut you say ??? I

@Wocio :Wut you say ??? Laughing out loud I can only say "Mi Amor" Laughing out loud Laughing out loud
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Flyleaf's picture

And "Ti Amo " in italian

And "Ti Amo " in italian loool!!
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13

xDD Esto es tan divertido


Esto es tan divertido x3
Ey y tu cuando me vas a pasar la compu? ¬¬
Kamino's picture

UUUUUH! Wanna learn Spanish!

UUUUUH! Wanna learn Spanish! But I can't! cuervo = cervus = deer ?! : -DDD suggestion: I talk latin and you twins spanish. x-D

Fly, jetzt weiß ich warum du so viel Französisch sprichst. Gibt schon wenig Luxemburger auf der Welt, hm? Laughing out loud
And Latin is the best language...
... I'm able to speak. x-)
Flyleaf's picture

Ja , luxembuger sind am

Ja , luxembuger sind am aussterben Laughing out loud !! Luxemburger are an endangered species Laughing out loud
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13

You know something, after all

You know something, after all this time writing in english I feel weird now talking in spanish. ._. xD
wocio's picture

@ Flyleaf: XDDDDDDDD Can't

@ Flyleaf: XDDDDDDDD

Can't you say: "Hola" ? xD
What about: Tacos! 8D

@Kamino: cuervo=crow 8D