Nayu's picture

It took time to find the correct words, but The Corner is just about players having fun, being random, and staying light-hearted.

Lets add a little " Currently listening to" section here:
Notify me poeplz, so I can add your newest music addictions.

To contact me:
Feel free to add me.

Kamino's picture

Yay! Noticed your avatar

Yay! Noticed your avatar immediately!

God! We managed the bowing stuff? I thought we failed! My button wasn't working x-D
Great screenies!

And yes, tilting was invented by flyleaf - I won't forget it. I loove it!

Complicated relations x-DD
wocio's picture

O.O OMG I'm having nightmares

OMG I'm having nightmares tonight.
I was having fun until 1:00 then it turns disturbing xD
Flyleaf's picture

So little ones ; i think

So little ones ; i think uncle fly will go to bed now Smiling
Good night , friends !! See you , and don't be too foolish Laughing out loud
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Kamino's picture

WTH is that?! x-D So many

WTH is that?! x-D So many cows! Dancing nuts as we are!
Wocio, I completely share your opinion! Disturbing...


Good night, flyleaf.
I'm also tired. Think I should go to bed now...
Nayu's picture

LOLZ Good night

LOLZ Good night Flyleaf
Kamino, you.......left.............me.................................................what why??..... Sad

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Kamino's picture

I had to dance on the pond!

I had to dance on the pond! But now I feel so sorry D->
SobekNofru's picture

These cows are... special. XD

These cows are... special. XD and I like Wocios screenies! I havn't got any good ones from this time! Sad
And I think my bed is expecting me, too.
Siggy by Bu <3
Nayu's picture

I was so alone, I thought you

I was so alone, I thought you have left me to rot by this tree and get eaten by angry spiders who wear pink flanel underwears and and and the world seemed so frightening I tried hanging myself to the but this mini deer came to tell me hell was smelling of vomit and fried bunnies so I couldn't!!
edit: where is Sobek? Anyone going to sleep soon?

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
wocio's picture

Goodnight guys I think I'm

Goodnight guys Sad
I think I'm going too... It's not too late here, but I have to eat xD
SobekNofru's picture

Bye everyone and good

Bye everyone and good night!
Hey I am still dancing at the ruins!
Siggy by Bu <3
Nayu's picture

Bye bye both of

Bye bye both of you!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Kamino's picture

Oh my god I feel so

Oh my god I feel so baaaaaaaaad! O->
But I'll leave in fact now and go to bed ;-D

Bon appetit Wocio! Laughing out loud
SobekNofru's picture

Where are you? I have to say

Where are you? I have to say good night!
Siggy by Bu <3
Nayu's picture

By dear Mommy, Uncle and

By dear Mommy, Uncle and daughter. Our attempts at nuzzling were......so sad!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Nayu's picture

Not gonna be there until

Not gonna be there until tonight!
Good day everyone!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Kamino's picture

Hi folks! I'll enter the

Hi folks! I'll enter the forest now and look if there's some crazy dance party going on. But if someone wants to meet mommy Feder, you should know that I can't go to bed today at 3.00 in the morning! In fact I'll leave in an hour.

PS: Nuzzling isn't easy! x-)
Nayu's picture

Yeap! I'm joining you in a

Yeap! I'm joining you in a bit! Smiling
Argh sorry, I didn't recognize you guys immediatly!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

Hey ; I was in the forest

Hey ; I was in the forest earlier !! Think i met Wocio's deer !!
But you others were not there ! Not so easy to find the right time for everyone lol !!!
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Nayu's picture

Damn, I was hoping to see

Damn, I was hoping to see flyleaf today!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

I was waiting for little Nayu

I was waiting for little Nayu to appear but i was clearly too early in the forest !
I can't play too long in a row because i feel sick if i play too long Laughing out loud !
It is always the same when i play games even with my playstation on my tv !!
See you next time then . I am lurking on the forum though !!( this make me not feel sick )
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Kamino's picture

Noo! I missed flyleaf! Yes, I

Noo! I missed flyleaf! Yes, I admit, I was not there. But I'll get on earlier in future.
wocio's picture

Yep flyleaf, that was my

Yep flyleaf, that was my deer! Smiling

Lol Kamino we are clones!! xD
Nayu's picture

Pwease say when you're

Sad Pwease say when you're connected next time, so we can join you! I was out all day! And someone has to post screenies of what is going on right now. Laughing out loud

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
wocio's picture

Mweheheh dont worry I'm

Mweheheh dont worry I'm taking screenshots Laughing out loud
Nayu's picture

Kamino! I'm stuck into you,

Kamino! I'm stuck into you, my arrow keys won't work! XD

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Kamino's picture

Yes, I see Nayu! That looks

Yes, I see Nayu! That looks really insane...

I looove being a clone of Fangorn! I'm sure we've taken some disturbing screenshots! ;-D

But I'm sorry, I have to leave now. Was much fun with you, guys! x-D
Wocio, have you left? I couldn't say goobye! >8-O
Nayu's picture

Bye bye everyone... Have a

Bye bye everyone... Sad
Have a good week Kami, Wocio left while you weren't looking...See Fangorn soon!
Tonight was fun indeed.
Little Nayu will be by the bridge (beneath!=)), just leave a message if you're online because I'll let the game run in the background and watch Ponyo at the same time.

... Sad

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Kamino's picture

My little Nayu banasth the

My little Nayu banasth the bridge! D-> (............x-D..................)

If Wocio doesn't, I'll post some screenies (so that flyleaf notices what he missed Laughing out loud)
Nayu's picture

Gotta catch some fishes for

Gotta catch some fishes for dinner! I'm a dad now!


Where is this daughter of mine?!

And Goodnight! Those screenies are greatly awaited. Eye

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

Oh ; Screenies ;

Oh ; Screenies ; Pleasssssseeeee !!!
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Nayu's picture

Flyleaf! Are you gonna be

Are you gonna be connected tomorrow?

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

Normally yes !! Tell me what

Normally yes !! Tell me what time do you like best !!
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Nayu's picture

At night if you'd like, maybe

At night if you'd like, maybe around 9pm?
I don't think I'll be there until 8pm Sad ...
But if it's a bit inconvenient I can try being there around 15H though I won't be able to stay long then?
What do you say? It's been too long since Nayu played with you, he keeps whining like a starving breton...it's a poor sight really.
Laughing out loud

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

I will try to be there after

I will try to be there after 8pm then !
15pm is too early ! I am not at home !
Uncle fly misses Nayu Too Exclaim
Your comments are so Epic Laughing out loud Laughing out loud You always make me laugh so much Smiling
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Nayu's picture

I'm happy I can make you

I'm happy I can make you laugh! Eye

Nayu says " Uncle Fly, I wanna be a ninja too! Can we go hunting some mean and smelly humans tomorrow? Mom's so hungry she keeps biting my neck when she sleeps!..She looks a bit weird this days... Sad "

Aww, poor sweetheart...

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

lol !Poor one!!! Too much

lol !Poor one!!! Too much muchrooms Laughing out loud !!
Let's go hunt bad humans tomorrow Eye
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Nayu's picture


LETS YESSSSSS!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!
Laughing out loud

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

See youuuuu!!! Sois sage

See youuuuu!!! Sois sage jusque là Eye
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Nayu's picture

Yup yup yup! A demain, je

Yup yup yup! A demain, je ferais pas d'bêtises d'abord! Sticking out tongue
Smiling Smiling Smiling

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
wocio's picture

I want to watch Ponyo!

I want to watch Ponyo! Sad
Nayu's picture

Don't be sad! And come sit by

Sad Don't be sad!
And come sit by me so we can watch it.
I'll give you my cookies!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Nayu's picture

Here Are you connected to


Are you connected to TEF?

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Nayu's picture

Hulloz everyone! I just came

Hulloz everyone!
I just came back from an epic ride in town and will get connected in a few minutes.
Flyleaf, wait for me! I'll mooooooooeeeeeeeez really loud so you know I'm there!!
Laughing out loud
@ Kami; you've been spotted you ninja!
@Flyleaf I was trying to show you some sitting glitch, sorry if I confused you XD!
AHHHHH DAMN!!!! COMPUTER CRASH!!!! Sorry, I'll be back in seconds, and Nayu didn't want to avoid that nuzzle!!!! Sad

Siggy by Butterbrot <3

xD, I've just read all of

xD, I've just read all of this and love it - especially the TEFB.

Anyway, beacause you are all awesome and hilarious, I made us some special edition TEFB cookies, hand iced by TEFB Fawn Cadets!

*Hands out cookies*
Nayu's picture


Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud WOOOOOOOOAHHHHHH!!!! THANK YOU!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!!!!
* performs nuzzle session and rofl and dies*

UNCLE FLYLEAF! I'll miss ya so much! Sad

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

Oh !! This was fun lol !!!

Oh !! This was fun lol !!! sorry i had to go but i was getting sick ! You know my problem !!
Ma tete me tourne quand je joue longtemps . Laughing out loud
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Kamino's picture

Oh my god! TEFb Cookies!

Oh my god! TEFb Cookies! That's so nice of you! Laughing out loud :-D Laughing out loud

But I have to tell some serious information: As some of you know I can't join you in the forest til 05.06., I guess. I can't join means, that I can't hang out for hour with you guys any more Eye
But don't be surprised if you won't find me in the forest by chance.

Buuuut here are the screenies of yesterday, as I promised:

Yes... we had a lot of fun...

Isn't that cute? x-D

PS: Hey, I always miss flyleaf! D-:<
Flyleaf's picture

Awww !! This is sad !! Hope

Awww !! This is sad !! Hope to see though !! The screenies are awesome Laughing out loud Laughing out loud
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Nayu's picture

Ultra fun I'd say, I wish I

Ultra fun I'd say, I wish I had time to see the names of the deers we played with, and don't worry I understand perfectly!

I hope to see you really soon! Did you get the chance to take some screenies?

And a big nuzzle for you, because tonight has been both adorable and hilarious.
Now R.I.B* my friend!

* Rest In Bed
Laughing out loud

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

Looool!! R.i.B !!! Loool !!

Looool!! R.i.B !!! Loool !!
No not yet ! I will watch tv and reading here !!
No i did not take sreeenies !! No time lol !!
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13