color text

Paralda's picture
u///u who can help me?
stitches's picture

for coloured text [color =

for coloured text
[color = blue ] Your writing here [ / color]
without the gaps :]
Paralda's picture

<3333 thanks you!!!!

<3333 thanks you!!!!

stitches's picture

No problemo ^^

No problemo ^^
Density's picture

Or, for a color that doesn't

Or, for a color that doesn't necessarily have a name go into (if you have) photoshop, open the color pallete thing, click on the color you want and there is a #_ _ _ _ _ _ code (like red is #FF0000) and plug that in :]

I so hope that made sense.

I always go to this website

I always go to this website when looking for new colors. Smiling Hope it helps! (P.S. I don't have photoshop so I have to use this lol)


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Paralda's picture

<3 thanks you so much,

<3 thanks you so much, guys!