_Clavier's_whispers_ (June/20)

Hubalaboo's picture

I awoke with the thoughts of yesterday still sharp in my thoughts... Poor Hania... Why had I acted so horribly? He had only been playing with an innocent fawn...
Why did I want so much attention?...

I felt horrible. Wicked. Cruel, black-hearted...
Shaking meandering worries aside, I rose to my feet and listened. Alas... No familiar scents were about. Involuntarily, tears welled in my eyes. I felt them roll silently down my cheeks, cold and shocking, and my mind reeled from a sudden buckle of loneliness. I staggered, side grazing a birch tree as I stumbled...

I saw deer in the distance... They were casting spells. Laughing. Laughing...

A wave of desolation crashed through and sent me scrambling for air and footing. I ran...
All alone...

Images flew through my eyes; blood, bright on the ground. So red. Bright in the fur of raging stags... does...
Sobs broke free form my throat as I sought for anything other than those images. Paavo. Hania. Warm moments, touches, voices... All the faces I loved...
Fading faces. Shyla, so far away.
I sobbed again. It was too much. I ran for the only place I could think of where I could perhaps rest my mind... The Hill. Yes, the Hill...

There was another deer there. I crumpled to the ground, but staggered on...
I recognized a scent; Seed. A good friend. I ran for him. Perhaps he... he...
He was with another...
Afraid to move closer, I shivered by a tree. What was happening to me?...
Seed saw me. He came closer, bowed. He seemed to notice how distraught I was. He came closer, and I - alas - drew back... I let my tears fall even as I shrank away from him and cowered. His shoulders slumped, but he simply went back to his friend...

I shivered, cried.
My vision blurred. I fled...

What was wrong with me?... Why did I seek company - yet then shy away... cower... flee...
Coward. Coward. Coward.


...Ohdear. O:

Awwwww.. I want to give her

I want to give her a hug. ;_;

Nueva Paz (new-AY-va Pahz)
Spanish - "new peace"
Just call me Paz.
deer: Amary

;___; <3 Bawww, Clavier

;___; <3 Bawww, Clavier melts my heart.

-- Dannii <3

Seed's picture

Awwww It always makes Seed

Awwww Sad It always makes Seed sad when one of his shyer friends is online when he's with one of his less shy friends, because then everyone can't be together, but he understands. *huggles*

Nelle Rovine
Zergarikiaka's picture

aww.. *huggles clavier*

aww.. *huggles clavier*

Hubalaboo's picture

Thanks, everyone... She'll

Thanks, everyone... Smiling She'll be okay, I think.
Kaoori's picture

Aww.. Kaoori sees her, but

Aww.. Kaoori sees her, but she's always afraid to approach her, because she doesn't know how to act around shy deer most of the time. Sad

I'm a little wolf inside a girl.

Lightbringer-apprentice to Yorres
Aegle's picture

Ahh Dear, I-I am here for

Ahh Dear, I-I am here for you a-always...