Clash of Titans {Possible Rock Hound story}

z.m123's picture
Contains blood and gore.

The skull faced doe, Cay Lynn was wandering in the forest. But the forest was oddly silent and empty today. So she went towards the ruins, to her usuall sleeping spot. She layed down between the redish poppies and watched the bugs that were buzzing around. But the bugs were acting weird, like they smelled a corpse or something like that.
Suddenly, Cay heard a sounds from the bushes by the graveyard. She thought it was som squirrel or something at first, until she saw a fawn, running towards her. The fawn had blood around it's legs and neck. And blood was pouring out of its mouth.
"M-m-monsssster.." the fawn said before it fell to the ground and fainted. "Say what?" Cay said and stood up and looked down on the bloody fawn "Geez, what happened to that guy?". She said and shook her head.
But then, she heard bushes rattling in the same place that the fawn came from. "What now?..." The doe said annoyed. She suddenly spotted a red glow, coming from the bushes. It turned stronger and stronger, until a wolf skeleton appeared from the bushes. "What the fuuu.." She said and lifted both eyebrows. The skeleton moved closer towards her until it was almost right in front of her. Then it snapped towards her. She lifted one of her front legs instinctlivy and said "Wooo, hold on here" but the monster didn't answer.
The doe putted her leg down again and stared at the creature. It snapped at her again and black slime shot out of its mouth "Eeewww.." Cay said and snorted.
But then from all of sudden, the skeleton lunged towards the doe, Cay tried to dodge, but the wolf got her right shoulder and bit down hard.
The doe gasped in pain, and reared upwards to shake the monster off. It didn't work.
The doe started shaking her body, with huge strength, until the monster lost its grip and was flinged right into a stone pillar. The monster hit the pillar and slided down, painting the cracked pillar in black slime. But the monster wasn't finished yet... It stood up and growled towards the doe. Cay had tremendous pain in her shoulder, a big chunk had been ripped off and the wound was infected with black slime. The pain was like 1000 bullets and needles were shot into her shoulder. Cay had a hard time standing still, not fainting. Her peacock feathers had turned around her head like an umbrella turning inside out, and turned bloody red and razor sharp.
She turned towards the wolf and charged towards it. The monster was to overwhelmed to be able to dodge the attack. The doe hit the wolf in its ribs, and the razor sharp antlers were going right through its body. The wolf was stuck on the antlers, so the doe reared and flinged the wolf into a pillar with its head first. The wolf slided of the razors and had a hard time getting up. The doe noticed that the wolf had gotten a crack in its skull, and a red diamond thing was sitting in its head. While the creature was trying to stand up, Cay jumped on it and started jumping on its head. The wolf was yelping. But finnaly, the red stone broke. And then all of sudden, the red light was gone. And the bones fell apart and the skeleton turned into a normal wolf skeleton. Cay turned back and stared for a while. But the pain got to huge, and the doe fell on the ground.

A thank you to Quad for making the Rock Hounds ♥
quadraptor's picture

This was great, thank you!

This was great, thank you! Haha I loved how you described the rock hound sliding down the pillar and leaving a trail of the infection, that was a great image to me!
z.m123's picture

Thank you ♥!

Thank you ♥!