Make yourself at home! There's not much here yet.
03/12/2017 | Another WIP shot of Vic. I'm really liking how this is turning out. Still uneven as hell thou RIP.
02/03/2017 | Victor y u gotta be showing up when I'm trying to suss out Carnyx's design? Wait your turn.>:U
(This is my guy over at WickedFascinations, kinda my little love letter to the grotesque. I've been re-working his old design into something I deem good enough to show the community. It's kinda interesting to see how much my art/design sense has changed. I still have a long way to go though. The drawing above is horribly asymmetrical.
I spent SO MANY HOURS cycling through pictos trying to find one that looks like a record player when making that account you don't even know. I probably should have mained it instead since the name is cooler, but too late to go back now.
28/02/2017 | Look at this Edwin. 10/10 Edwin, would win many eds. Now that I've finally (FINALLY) got an image that matches what's going on between my ears, I can get to hosting his bio... once I finish writing an AJAX powered gallery and photoshopping a music app for class, that is. Such is the life of the overworked student.
Then it's time to obsess over Carnyx! Something tells me he'll be easier to draw, at least design wise. The dude's a tiny dynamo though, so working out poses may give me grief...
26/02/2017 | Wleh. I decided to spruce up this blog's code so it's more readable and less broken, but I don't have much to show for myself art wise. Have some art poop of Carnyx in the meantime.
25/02/2017 | So today I decided I absolutely hate the image I drew yesterday, so I made this instead. Bluuuuh. It's been like a year since I did anything in a painterly style and it shows.
This image is actually not supposed to have a background, but one happened anyway while playing with blend modes and I kept it because it made this pic look like something from an Alexander Keith's campaign gone horribly wrong.
24/02/2017 | You see, Ed? This is what happens when you don't listen to your neighbours, your friends, OR your mother. You just had to go and piss of ancient gods, didn't you? Well guess what, you sleep in the rain now like an animal. >:V
Guess who has a sore hand? MEEE. I basically spent most of today doing this. I'm hoping to use this as a BG image for my deer's eventual bio. I won't have as much time to do art or code next week, so I need to squeeze in as much as I possibly can now, otherwise it's never gonna get done. No regrets. Time well spent.
This might sound hipsterish (I don't DO mainstream pelts!) but I think the default pelt works best for this guy. The shade of brown is the closest to the hair color I picture for him in my head, and it just HAS to match because Reasons.
This image is huge so click for full.
22/02/2017 |More sketches and trash. Let's pretend I know how to draw antlers!
Probably my least favourite part of designing a character is developing facial consistency. So far, I'm thinking of switching up this guy's pelt to real deer (dark) since it's closer to what I have going on in my head. I also have a good image of Carnyx too I have to suss out. I hope I can get most of this done before break's over! Real art coming soon once I learn how2faces.
21/02/2017 | So my OOC deer decided to grow a personality all of a sudden. Not even a good personality, like gosh, he's all snobbish and sulky. :U I'm dubbing this guy Mr. Sideburns until further notice.
*sticks a track here
~ Tracking ~ Looking forward
Looking forward to more of your art! c;
Thanks for the tracks. c: I'm