Canine Deer/Doe [SOLD]
October 30, 2012 - 8:34pm — Carry
For fun, wanted to see what people might think of a curlyhaired wolf/dog deer?
The hybrids seem kind of popular. . .
No idea what the eye color would be. The owner could decide that.
And ummm . . . weird markings and color combo ftw.
I was thinking selling her for $3-4?
Or an art trade?
Sold to theeco226
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oooh, I would definitely do a
though as far as cash goes, I'm kinda saving up right now...
If you draw one of my deer in
My deer are: Jest, Lily, Radish and Gaia. Links to their bio's in my signature.
If you decide to trade, just pick which ever deer you'd love to draw.
ooh.... working on a sketch
working on a sketch of Lily now lD
Sounds great. ^^
Here you go ;u;
You have NOOOOO IDEA how pretty and how awestruck I was to see that. 8D
Here you go, a full sheet. ^-^
enjoy her
shdgadg ;u; yay, I sure will.
also, really glad you liked it ;u; I was afraid it may not fit the character or something orz
Well, I hope you use her to
And don;t worry. You did a fantastic job, you have no idea how many squeals came out of my mouth seeing that at 11 at night. cx