Just playing with styles again; throw some real faced deer at me and I'll have a go at it.
Mr.Sanguine's picture

♥ Your art is always

Your art is always so beautiful.
Uhm, maybe if it isn't too much trouble, you would do John?
trigger_mortis's picture

I love how you do eyes,

I love how you do eyes, they're always so expressive. C:

8D Omg these are so awesome.

8D Omg these are so awesome. Your styleeeee ;_____; <333333!!!

Could you give my Colbalt a try?
It's okay if you don't; he's rather complicated..but I'd so love to see what you'd come up with!
WonderfullySarcastic's picture

That's a cute style :'3

That's a cute style :'3
Reminds me of when my art teacher a few years back told us we had to cut out colored paper in order to make a picture- couldn't draw anything on the paper, you know. lol