I...should be sleeping right now, but I wanted to post this before I head off to bed. This is just a little gift for L of her character Bylah. I know that there are probably fifty-six and a half things that I could have done in the time that I spent on this, but I had a lot of fun with it and it was a nice way to spend a snow day. A word of wisdom, though? I would advise against working in a single layer in Photoshop. *twitch* Anyway, enjoy and I hope that you like it, L. ^^
The way you color... Ugh,
This is amazing o.o Loving
fff single layer?! Now
I love the skull, and how it looks like it's still got a bit of charred muscle on it.
Your skills are epic! Single
Beautiful Scythe...just beautiful.
epic, as always Kali. You
Many thanks, guys. ^__^
...O wow. This is...wow. This
Thank you, Kali.
This is amazing
Entirely too awesome for
The fur, I love it...
Find me at my "toboe" account
How creepy and wonderful! I
Thank you so much, guys, and
Rakkaus: Thank you. This is actually, probably my second time playing with fire. *is shot* I'm sorry; I can't resist a good pun every now and then. I just love playing with colors and textures in my pictures. The fire is simply a bunch of brushstrokes.