Blue Design

Redkora's picture
Here is something I just whipped up based on a screenshot. It's a variant of a blue pelt idea I had a awhile ago. I couldn't think of much that would work as antlers, though. Maybe the "bumps" on the antlers can extend all the way to the head?

The mask is supposed to be an impression of dripping water, and I like the shape. The darker blue lines on and around the mask are shading and where the mask ends and the pelt begins.

I'm using a mouse, and my hands are shaky, so please forgive the sloppiness. Any comments will be greatly appreciated!
Guilt's picture

This would actually go

This would actually go perfectly with my doe. c: She's that exact colorscheme.
Redkora's picture

Thank you!

Thank you!
[pixel deer by Aldebaran]