A bloodcurdling scream, a roar he will never forget... (Story;Peirce)

BluedeerLegend18's picture
... So this is Peirce's mother's death story! With The Lion King music! Yay! I was going to add pictures but it's hard work, so no. Sorry.

Read each part with the music on. It fits.

And here it is!


The forest seemed peaceful. Birds chirped and the wind rattled though the trees' leaves. A beautiful, blue doe with long fur stepped out of the bushes. She was followed by a multicolored fawn which she had named "Peirce", which meant "rock". The doe had named her fawn this, because Peirce seemed as tough as a rock.

They continued their way home. Though something did not feel right. It felt like a big wind rushed though their hollow bodies. Though they did not worry about it much, they just kept walking home, unaware that the forest was not as peaceful as it seemed.


And as Peirce and his mother were walking, they heard a low, fierce growl. The growl turned into a roar, one that Peirce would never forget. "Cougar!" His mother screeched. "Go! Run!"

Peirce did not think. He did as his mother told him. He tried to run faster than his little legs can carry him. He felt the cougar gaining up on him... he could hear it's breath... and he could already hear the cougar crunching his bones. That thought made him run faster. His mother was in front as she could run faster. She dodged trees in jumped over logs, and shrieking, "Run faster, Peirce!" Peirce ran faster than the wind. He did not look back.

They didn't hear the growls of the cougar anymore. They stopped, and looked at each other. "That-" Peirce began to say, but then a roar cut him off.

"Go! Get away from my fawn!" Peirce's mother threatened, as the cougar showed itself. It licked it's lips, eyeballing Peirce. It ignored his mother's warning and growled, and pounced, lunging himself at Peirce.

Everything went into slow motion for Peirce. This is it. I'm going to die. The next thing Peirce saw was a flash of yellow, blue, and red. He stumbled and tripped, and while he tried to get up, he heard a roar and a bloodcurdling scream. When he got up he screeched, jumping back, at what he saw.

The cougar's teeth was buried deep into the neck of his mother's. Blood spewed everywhere, and poured down Peirce's mother's neck. "Mother!" He started trembling in fear as his mother fell to the ground, with the cougar still on her neck. She struggled to get up. She managed to shake the cougar off and got to her feet, but the cougar pounced on again, this time on the chest. He then lifted his claw, and it came down, sending a streak of blood in the air.



Peirce felt dizzy. He was laying on the ground for some reason. He got up and shook his head. Was it... all a dream? "Mother!" He called out. No answer. Then he smelt blood. He looked behind him. A tear came to his eye. No, he had just fainted from seeing what had just happened.

He sauntered to his mother's blood covered body. He could not help the tears come to his eyes. His face was soaked with tears, and his mother's was soaked with blood.

"Mother? Are... are you... are... you...a-a-alright? Are you just playing d-dead s-s-s-s-so-so the cougar doesn't come back?" Peirce stuttered. His voice was very wavy.

"Mother... please... don't leave..." Now tears poured from his eyes. He tried to poke his mother's body. "No..." He backed away, shaking his head. "NNOOOOOOOOO!" His cries echoed. "SOMEONE! HELP! DON'T LEAVE!" There was no answer.

Mother's gone... but... why? What had my Mother done to die? She didn't deserve to die... I loved her...


Then Peirce heard the growl. "YOU!" He faced the cougar. "LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" He pointed at his mother's dead body. The cougar licked his lips. "YOU KILLED MY MOTHER!" Then cougar roared, licking his lips.

"Uh oh."

Peirce ran faster than lighting. The cougar roared and chased after him. Peirce didn't look back. He just kept running. Like his mother had said. Keep running - or else he would share his mother's fate. The cougar was gaining up on Peirce. No! I will not die! I must live!

Then Peirce saw the playground, and two big rocks piled on eachother. They created a small hole which Peirce could escape. He zoomed in before the cougar could swipe him with it's claw. The cougar keep clawing the hole, but he just kept clawing air. The cougar gave up and ran away.


A few months later Peirce met a doe named Angel who took care of him until he was an adult. As Peirce grew up many things happened, including him being locked in a cage. After he was unlocked he saw a blue doe which he believed was his mother. Then, one night, when everyone was asleep, he looked into the pond. Instead of his reflection, he saw his mother's reflection, and gasped. He then looked up. Then, standing on the water, was his mother. She said, "I know you miss me, Peirce, but one day, we will meet, and we will run together. And while you are still on land, I am watching you, and I am still there. I miss you, Peirce, but remember I am here."

And Peirce will never forget that bloodcurdling scream, and a roar that belonged to a killer, the killer of his mother.