
BluedeerLegend18's picture
As soft as water, and as pretty as snow, glistening in the meadows as the moon light dances.

Not fast nor slow, and not quiet nor loud, a doe who's long fur danced with the wind trotted though the forest, as though if she went any faster the forest would fall apart. The voices of the forest souls calmed her, and the lovely trees and their leaves rattling with the wind were pretty. Not beautiful... pretty. Simple. Basic. Though wonderful. What this meant the doe didn't know. She suddenly felt something... though not as painful as anything she has ever encountered, more like... a sharp nail poking her. She ignored the pain and looked at the beauty of the forest, hoping it would shoo the pain away. But every second the pain got worse, and the doe could not enjoy the loveliness. She fell to the ground, screaming in pain, though the souls of the forest didn't answer her call. They didn't need to. The doe knew what was happening. The pain was unbearable. She thought she could not do it. She felt the little fawn trying to escape, trying to find the door to freedom. The doe needed to get her fawn out. She started pushing as horrible as it was. She screamed in pain, but she knew it would be over soon. The fawn's head popped out and he was gasping for air. The rest of the body slipped out before they knew it. A new fawn was born. He struggled to his hooves but fell, and, struggling again, got up. He walked over to his mother on wobbly legs, nearly stumbling at times. The doe nuzzled her child and watched as he sniffed a stick. "What do you have there?" she said softly. The fawn picked the stick up with his mouth and spit it out, then picked it up again. The fawn threw it and it scraped his mother's leg. Drops of blood tricked down her wound. "Ouch!" His mother yelled. She took a look at her wound then looked back to her child. He was smiling as though he wanted to hurt his mother. "You pierced me with a stick!" Then, she smiled. "I know exactly what to call you, young one." Suddenly, a glowing light appeared over the fawn's head. In the light there was a pictogram. It said, "Peirce".