Because your there and you care

I hear your voice inside my head

And instanly theres a smile on my face

Your the one I want with me

Through the days I live

Because of you

I can smile

And reach my arms to the sky

I feel as though I can do anything

When you look into my eyes

My heart beats faster

I can hear myself laugh

Whenever you do

Everthing I do

I do it for you

Your the reason

I have a tomorrow

The reason why this heart still beats

And every time I hear you say

Those three words

I love you

I count the stars and my blessings

That I have you

I don't care if other people ignore me

Cause baby your all I need

Your the only one for me

I can go through anything if your by my side

I cant go a day without hearing your voice

And the reasurrance that your all right

I toss and turn in my bed at night

Wondering if your dreaming about me

Some say Im crazy

And honestly I can say

Im madly in love

And there is just one question I would like to ask you

Will you stay with me

By my side

Every day of tomorrow.

(imaginary proposal to Faunet from Kiowa. Whatcha think?)



Hey friend. (A) geez I want a

Hey friend. (A) geez I want a boyfriend now after that poetry, haha! very sweet. And (B) I'm so tired. This is what happens when you get old, just so you know, and by old, I mean 23. You get tired at 8:30 at the end of the week. Lame-o. Can we talk tomorrow or this weekend sometime? Your birthday is coming up, right?? I'm so sorry, I just have to go to bed =(
z.m123's picture

OooO It's very nice I love it

OooO It's very nice I love it Smiling
Great job