
WonderfullySarcastic's picture


That's all there was.
A single sound that rang out above all else.
Louder than the wind rushing past my ears as my body gives way without my consent.
Louder than the hurtful words that I can see my neighbor screaming at me from behind the barrel of his shotgun that is pointed at me.
Louder than the soft voice within the confines of my own mind telling me that everything would be all right now and that this was the inevitable end.

Then nothing.

It's over.

It's all over.

My life is over.

My life is over and I am not scared. I am relieved.

The nightmare that was my existence for the last ten years has ended.

The demons that I fought every day, every hour and every minute were no more.

I can feel the wet dew against my legs.
I can hear the sound of birds chirping overhead.
I can smell the sweet scent of wildflowers that surround me.
I can see the green, soft grass as it sways upon the hill in the light breeze.

I am not dead.
Muc's picture

Wow. So pretty, in a dark-ish

Wow. So pretty, in a dark-ish sort of way. C:
Bayleen's picture

...I really hope there's a

...I really hope there's a continuation of this. It's intriguing.
WonderfullySarcastic's picture

Thank you, both! I do plan on

Thank you, both! I do plan on continuing with this, but one's muse is as a muse does. (: