
Watchbreaker's picture
Hi people, deers and mystical creatures!
I'm visiting my family this week because my boyfriend is in Italy. I would've loved to come with him, but they are going to eat ice cream and look at cars, and I dislike those things. So instead I'm here. It's weird to travel back to where you've lived for many years. I can't imagine to live here again. I have a new home now. But still great to see them. Tomorrow my little brother and I are going out swimming. I try to deny it, but I love to swim. It has something to do with this "I'm born on the earth and staying in the wild nature" thing I have at the moment, but slowly I welcome the ocean and sky again. Just not too much open water or windy days for me, thank you.

Edit: I shall never jump from the tilt - or whatever they are called - again. My neck and head are destroyed.

Mufazzal greets you all and hopes you'll have a great time until we're back.