Aurelius Concept

'The [Bright and Shiny] Gilded Prince' :3

...The colors need to be toned down, but these are the best I could do for the concept I want, for now at least.

Toying with making a cloth covering across his back, instead of these whispy sheer fabric pieces, but I cannot decide.

Also I am still working on the 'ornate' part of his armour, more like useless, decorative metal plating.

I will also need to make a winged, and magic using version.

His wings are giant independently moving whispy feathers, almost like those fabric pieces there. Though they are covered in gold symbols (which is the spell for his wings). The glowing, gold symbols are his magic manifesting across his body. They are sourced from his chest, and snake out all over his body, when he is using his magic. When he is done, they snake back into his chest.

Stop it with these amazing

Stop it with these amazing and majestic character concepts wtf

I'm sitting here at work just trying to figure out how to process this excellence (while waiting for the development team to whitelist something for me... no I'm not slacking off at work whaT)

haha I am sorry for the

haha I am sorry for the amazing concepts! I just can't help it!

Suuure, I can totally tell you weren't slacking off. xD