An Apple.

Kaoori loved her mate. Everyone knew she lived and breathed Wesker. Her was her life, her voice, her strength. But he was growing old, his time fading. She'd recently returned his soul to him, but now, more than just that had changed. Wesker had changed, when he once promised that he wouldn't. Now, he was suffering. It was her duty to do something.

The small blue doe carefully rolled the apple around with her hooves, crushing a series of red berries underneath it and, at the same time, coating the apple in the berries poisonous juice. A few more brief coats of poison, and it was ready. She briefly inspected the apple for any prominent signs of tampering. A part of her wanted his last meal to be absolutely perfect. After finding no flaws, she carefully rolled the apple atop their hill and waited.

She wasn't kept long.

Soon a shadow fell over her, and Kaoori looked towards her mate and smiled. He nudged her head warmly in response, and then padded towards the middle of the hill where he quickly flopped down. Kaoori's smile dropped.

"Wesker, can you come here for a moment?" She asked, standing up, one hoof still lightly resting on the apple.

The dark stag shifted and angled his head so he was facing his small, blue mate. He looked exhausted. "What is it, Kaoori? What is that?" He inquired groggily.

"You need to eat," Kaoori said softly, rolling the large, very red apple towards him. "Please." She added, almost as an afterthought.

The stag snorted softly but nudged the apple towards his mouth with a hoof. However, he hesitated before biting into it. A deep inhale, then a little flick of his ears; a sign of agitation. "Kaoori, what have you done to it?" He questioned seriously, voice dropping low.

The small blue doe faltered, then smiled: a sickeningly sweet sight. "It's to help you sleep, my beloved. You look so tired.. I worry for you." Kaoori sniffed softly, then looked down.

The act fooled even her mate.

Wesker, ever trusting of his long time partner, devoured the apple, core and all, in only a few seconds. Now, Kaoori only had to wait. It started with a lack of coordination. He stood to greet an approaching friend, and his legs buckled beneath him, sending the might stag crashing to the ground. A literal faceplant, but no real harm done, unless one counted his pride. He managed to stand again, with the help of his doting shika mate. Nobody seemed to think his little stumble was odd, and his friend immediately blamed it on malnutrition, as the elk had grown thin over the past few months. A few hours and a rant later, the shika and her elk were alone again.

Kaoori, once again, didn't have long to wait for the Wesker's life to ebb.

Then next, and final, sign was a loss of vision, hearing, scent, everything. It was all dulled, even if Wesker only complained of the inability to see. Kaoori, ever loving and knowing fully and well what was coming, lulled her mate into a fitful sleep. It was only minutes later that his body shuddered, convulsed and stopped moving beside her. He was completely still. A last breath rattled from his chest, and then, the mighty Wesker was gone. He was completely faded; a shell.

Beside him, his small mate huddled into his fur, pressing into his now cold skin. However, her eyes were dry. She'd put him out of his misery, and she felt no shame. Nobody would ever even suspect her of such a heinous crime. Kaoori killing Wesker was just about as plausible as a mouse taking down an elephant. Until now. Until she'd been dropped a hint, a hint about 'assisted suicide'. The smile widened spread across her features; she wasn't done yet. There were a few more deer, ones she could list off the top of her head, who were also suffering. Everyone died.

Kaoori was merely helping them along.

K, I owe you so much better. :|
/slides off

... Kaoori... I can never,

Kaoori... I can never, ever trust her again after this.

ThetitlemademethinkofApplejack;;. SORRY.
Kaoori's picture

Kaoori: *brings Ammy berries*

Kaoori: *brings Ammy berries* :j

seriously, I was caught between horror and giggles. Dr. Kao.

ocean's picture

Hmm. This really fits with

Hmm. This really fits with Kaoori (lolinanevilway). I could almost see her doing this, which I find really awesome...
And scary.
I like how you managed to weave in some sadness. ^^
Kaoori's picture

yeah, it was sad ;_;

yeah, it was sad ;_;



Ocean; thank youu. ;; I tried to make it believable..ish, so I'm glad that came across. /lifecomplete
fff, don't be saaadddd. Wesker will get his turn to return fire. Soon. =u=
Scythe's picture

*etches another mark on the

*etches another mark on the Wesker v. Kaoori chalkboard*

You know, this idea didn't seem so farfetched as I was reading it. I'm not sure what that says about Kaoori, though, the little blue sneak.

You better watch your back, Wesker. And I better keep an eye out for your writing should you decide to share more of it with us. Nice work. ^^

Bwahahaha. >u> I tried to

Bwahahaha. >u>

I tried to keep it as... realistic as possible~ I just couldn't seem to write fulldemonKao like other people can. ;n; I guess my writing style is more subtle, rofl. <3

And thank youuu~ /flails about