Pega: Scape just spotted the "ghost" of Anzel wandering the Forest!
While he could see her perfectly - only wearing her "handprint" mask - she could not see anyone else. He was the only one to see her at first, until 21 noticed his casting, sniffing, and pawing. She got the idea, left and returned in a few moments, and by her amazed look Scape knew she could finally see Anzel.
But Anzel still couldn't see anyone.
I posted screenshots of Scape's (and later 21's) spotting of Anzel in an album.
Anzel Spotted 5-26-08
He also encountered a very nuzzly, clingy fawn.

I think they "adopted" Scape as their parent without his permission. XD
That fawn was a sweetheart.
HAIEY, what was with all the head-cocking at me? D8 You confused Her until she just laughed it off! jfkdls <3 <3 xD
When 21 left and returned,
So -that- is what you meant by sit-sliding...I was wrong <<; I only sit-slided when I first logged in, heh. That must have caused my glitch to be...glitchier :3
All I know is that I still can't get the pictos to spread again ;-; But I woke up from a dream and was floating above the pond. Creepy.
@Her: Scape: I may have been
Scape: I may have been cocking my head at the "ghost" of Anzel. ^^;
Scape: We saw you fall asleep and disappear there. O.o
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
Yeah...umm...that's because
Scape: I didn't see you fall
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
Hmm...I'm gonna upload some
EDIT: Nevermind :/ I only have a good screenie of myself sitting on the water, ah well.
[link] Q__Q I was right next
Q__Q I was right next to her and never saw her!
Pega: 21 only saw her after
O.O I see Anzel on the live forest map!
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
I only see the live forest
Oh, and when I was on the water, I was ALONE, in my world, that is XD;
Pega: I see it from a minute
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
Hmm? No, I was just on, but