Anjali's Healing

quadraptor's picture
Warning, slight graphic writing

Anjali tried to get to the Twin Gods' hill. He hoped there would be a cure there, or at least he could be pointed in the right direction.

He would never make it to the hill. The stag's labored breath overtook him, he stopped for only a moment to look at the deep wounds and infection the rock hound had done to him.

And at that moment, he collapsed. A small pool of blood formed where he lay. He could see the Twin Gods' statues. He was so close. He tried to call, but nothing came out.

He slowly closed his eyes, feeling the virus inch slowly across his body and start to go into the wounds. He didn't want it to end this way. He was so close...

Warmth. It came quickly. Was he dead? Or...he swore he just saw an angel. His eyes were blurred, the light was so bright and gleaming.

"You're going to be alright, Anjali.", the voice so familiar spoke to him, "You're going to be alright."

He opened his eyes, no longer where he was but rather he had been brought right up to the hill. There, he saw the Twin Gods themselves, doing everything they could for him. They only barely touched his skin, and the wounds healed on their own. The infection was long gone, Quad's light destroyed it earlier.

"Rest. You're body is healed but you're still going to feel pain. There is nothing we can do for that, but time will heal it.", Auriea spoke to him.

"Please, tell us what attacked you.", Michael requested.

The three listened intently as Anjali spoke what he saw - an invisible enemy, a rock hound...purple eyes...the fight was blurry to him.

He slept here. He was under the protection of the gods, they would not let anything hurt him any longer this day. Quad even stayed by his side, yet the Grand Talux lowered his head.

"This is my fault, Anjali. I'm sorry you are suffering because of me.", he spoke, the guilt getting to him once again.
theano's picture

Enjoyed how the deer

Enjoyed how the deer character was in the twilight or Netherworld. Left the story open to interpretation and could use that cadence point to twist and turn the story. You even left the descriptions afterwards open to interpretation since the Twin Gods could be nursing you on the hill or their world.
Anjali's picture

"No, Quad. It's n..not your

"No, Quad. It's n..not your fault. I wouldn't be here. Without you." The young deer shifts slightly on the soft grass. He wants to say more to the Talux, to the Gods. Their presence mutes the burning aches that still run through his bones.

But he is so very tired, and the sun is so very warm and healing.

An almost-silent "Thank you" drifts from his lips before sleep pours itself over him, swift and heavy.


Thank you so much for writing this, Quadraptor. ♥ It's very tender, and just what Anjali needs. It's really amazing how this Rock Hound event has generated so much creativity, and allowed deer to interact with each other through writings like this.

I will add this to his bio, and remember these events in Anjali's life.