{...and without a name, she walks...}

Hubalaboo's picture
Bumping so more can see.


Who is this little fawn, coming to greet my sleeping form? What a dear. So young and sprightly - there he goes, dashing up the hill! Ah, I remember when I was a fawn...

My, but this stream's water is good and clear! It is lovely and fresh. Though I wonder, is the only reason for this statue to cry to supply water? I cannot help but wonder why he mourns... Hum, but I am grateful towards him, regardless. Such clean water I have not tasted since the age before the floods...

Oh, and the grass is delicate and soft, so tender! What a wonderful place this stream is. I do think I am quite fond of it now.
Even those lovely little red flowers are here. How sweet.

What is this?! A bridge! Of all things. But this must be a human thing... This is all very odd. Perhaps humans were indeed once here.

Ah, but this water-lily is a jewel. Hum, see how it glows upon the water! I sniff it and it is sweet-smelling. How beautiful. This forest is filled with beautiful things. In fact, I have yet to see something dead, like a wilted flower. Hum...

And all streams lead to larger bodies of water, they say. And here, here is a pond, to be sure. A magnificent pond, hum!

I can see fish rippling beneath the surface... And the croaks of frogs, and the splash of waves on the shore... And it is so vast, so strong, this pond. It frightens me, slightly... I can sense something happened here, that... perhaps... one drowned, not too long ago?... Hum, but I think odd things, I do.
I trot a bit about the pond's rim, and a doe, clad in green scales (strange as it is, it fits her, I think) and feathers similar to mine. She bows and a sweet little fawn beside her (her child, perhaps?) does the same.

I watch as they walk together to have a drink. This forest is a peaceful haven, it seems. Hum...
I continue my wanders and I find a large steep hill nearby. My, what is this?

Their presence is frightening, though they are only statues. They almost glow with power and unwittingly I think that they are gods... But this frightens me even more. What if, perhaps, these gods are cruel, strict ones, smiting the inhabitants here until they bow to their whim? Was that why this forest seemed so perfect, so quiet, so peaceful? Oh, the horrors!...
...But then again, they could indeed be wonderful gods, kind and honest rulers. Hum. Perhaps I will need to look deeper into this. But for now, I shall be wary of this hill, to be sure...

Still exploring, I find a gentle little patch of what looks a bit like goldenrod... Ah, how nostalgic. I am reminded of my old forest... Oh, but it had been ruined by the floods, it had. The deer had riven and peace had shattered...

My, a line of dancing deer! Of all things! How odd! But they seem to be enjoying themselves greatly, though there is a seriousness to their movements. Is this some kind of strange ritual performed for the two gods?...

To my surprise, they invite me to join them. Slightly wary, I do, but soon it seems this is purely for enjoyment. My, now I am the leader of this line! Hum, this is... fun! I don't think I've enjoyed myself so much since my fawnhood, to be sure.
Worn out by the vigorous dancing, I am tired and ready to retreat for the day. I find my soft little bed of ferns and lie, slight, in the fronds...
Hum. I am liking this forest, I am...

{...and without a name, she rests...}


ahgsfdahsgfd I love my Hat Lady... I've got her whole story all planned out and I feel so excited... <333
Snowrift's picture

Looks like she met Isis in

Looks like she met Isis in the dance line!

These are awsome, and fun to read. ^^;


Hubalaboo's picture

n_n Thank you!

n_n Thank you!
Seele's picture

That made me smile <3 That

That made me smile <3 That was nice to read! I'll certainly look out for her set, she's intresting! That hum is cute, too XDD

--Stays a lonely Seele

huh. how did you manage to

huh. how did you manage to do the drink emote on land?

I like the editing you made btw, the water looks awesome.
Hubalaboo's picture

Thank you There's a way to

Thank you Smiling

There's a way to graze on land by starting to drink, doing an emote, and then going on land. You'll continue the "drink" action even though you're not by the water anymore. I always use the confused emote as it's one of the shortest emotes.
And editing the water was fun. Laughing out loud Thanks!