{...and without a name, she shelters...}

Hubalaboo's picture


It seems that my eyes have worsened yet again. But my oh my! What is this? Rain! Torrential rain! Oh, horrors, I do think I am disliking this rain very much! It is so wet! So slippery and muddy! Why, any deer would catch a cold, staying out here!

So I dash and run, searching for some sort of shelter, the rain stinging my eyes. I see a dark shadow up ahead; a huge tree with magnificent branches spreading out to the sky. Shelter! Yes, shelter. to my surprise, the tree is hollow! Oh, much better.
This is a strange old tree, for it hums gently... Hum. It is peaceful, and slightly warm within this tree's hollow. There is a squirrel sheltering here as well, and another stag. A fawn joins me for a short time and then dashes off again to play in the rain. The poor dear. He'll get sick, surely.

But my! Is that my friend Seed? Yes... Yes, I think so... I can't quite tell from this distance... Oh, there! Yes, it is Seed! And he has some lovely candles in his antlers. Hum, see how the rain does not make them go out! Those will keep us warm and toasty in the Giant Tree. How thoughtful of dear Seed!

We spend a little time casting upon a plain-pelted stag, but soon we settle down to sitting at the Tree's entrance and watching the rain. Rain... Why did I dislike the rain, again?...
Oh... Oh, yes... Rain was what caused the floods. Too much rain... Too much water... and it all...
Never mind.

A fawn comes dashing along and casts a spell on me. Hum! I am green and scaly, just like my friend! Hum, how amusing! Now we are nearly twins.

We dance together, in the Tree, the music in our minds mingling with the loud rush of the rain.
Hum... This is good. Sheltering from the rain with a friend beside you is pleasant, indeed. But I only hope that this forest does not flood, like mine... so long ago...

We sit again, the ground still nice and dry beneath our bodies. Watching the rain for so long begins to make me drowsy. I feel my eyelids lull and myself sway slightly... Am I that tired?... Hum... Perhaps... Blackness is enveloping me... oh-


"Rain, rain, go away... Come again another day..."

The rain is harsh.
It beats the ground to a murky pulp and threatens to wash everything away.
It is cold, very cold. And it is loud. It rushes and roars and pounds.
It is very loud.
A voice.
It sings a simple tune, wheedling through the roar of the rain.
A child's voice. So young, so weak.
The tune meanders through the sheets of rain, a hint of teary despair in the small little voice.

"Rain... rain... go away... Come again... another day..."


... A dream?...
Or... a memory...

The darkness fades, my eyes open, and I am back in the Giant Tree. Seed is staring at me with a mixture of worry and surprise; perhaps I had passed out suddenly. But that... that was an odd experience... Never mind! Surely it's simply something odd from all this rain.

But I... seem strangely tired, now... I give a good stretch but my weariness does not fade. Hum... I search out another sheltered place, the slanted rock in the birch forest, and decide that is where I will spend the rainy night.

For a little while longer we stare out at the rain, and I blink droplets out of my eyes. I query myself many questions, and I find no answer for any. And still... I am without a name... I sigh and give myself a good shake. Surely my hat is drenched! Oh, dear. The feathers are drooping and soaked... What a horrid thing, rain. It could at least be a little gentler, hum?

I say a sad little "goodbye" and we nuzzle, our necks intertwining in a warm halo of light. His candles watch over me as I lie down and close my eyes...

Forgive me, dear Seed, for my odd actions. Hum. Perhaps it is because my eyes are worsening still...

{...and without a name, she sleeps...}


Sorry this is so late! D: These take longer than I think.
And Seed, I put Vista's stupidness to good use. xD You know, when she poofed?

Bawwwwww... -- Dannii <3


-- Dannii <3
Seed's picture

Very nice: warm and sad all

Very nice: warm and sad all at once. I'm glad Seed could help keep her warm in the rain.

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