{...and without a name, she sees midnight...}

Hubalaboo's picture
Bump'd, so more can see.


I am blind.
Dear Lemon... Now I know how you feel, I think...

I know it is snowing by the feel of cold soft things landing on me... My, I wish I could see it! The snow! I was always fond of it, I was... The air would be beautiful, as cold as it would be, and the white things fluttering about was a favorite sight of mine to see...
Pity I'll never see it again.
Surely it is even more beautiful in this lovely forest. Oh, how I envy them! All the others who can see and gaze upon this beauty without a thought!
Ah, well.

I can hear the cries and joyful hoofbeats of fawns and adults dashing about. I approach a few groups shyly, seeking a little bit of warmth... But who wishes to invite a blind doe? Besides, I cannot join them; with only midnight darkness in my eyes, I cannot hop and run around like them... I would trip and fall, and that would be unpleasant.

I remember in my fawnhood (my, it is so far back!) how I played in the snow with my father and mother... That was far before the floods, it was. Mother would wear her violet hat with the green feathers in it, and hop through the snow, father and I following her exact hoofsteps...
I smile; remembering little things like that makes we wish the floods never happened...
...everything was washed away...
I shiver and cry out, hoping someone to come to me and nuzzle me, keep me warm in this cold snow. Simply someone to sit by my side, under the shelter of a tree or such...

No one comes, no matter how many times I cry. I feel alone.
If none will come to me, I will go to them.

As I walk carefully through the snow, listening and sniffing the air often to make sure my path is safe, I notice large mushrooms sprouted in the snow. But I never! These mushrooms are huge! Hum! Surely this was another act of the gods. How interesting. Perhaps they have a sense of humor, those gods.
Indeed, they make for good sheltering spots in this snow.

My path leads me to a clump of these mushrooms, under which I scent a deer sitting alone. I feel a spark of hope. Perhaps this deer will let me rest by his side and have me as company.
I carefully locate myself beside him, listening and feeling with my hooves to the right spot. It takes an innumerable amount of patience, but at last I am seated in a suitable spot. Hum, being blind is no easy affair!

Somehow I can tell that he wears a striped pelt and has trumpets for antlers. An interesting combination.
After a little while, the deer hoists himself up and bows to me, slightly startled. I, too, shrink away, suddenly unsure and trembling as I bow back, praying I am not too far off from his direction.
He begins to walk away without a look back. Hum... I am like a lost waif, following him, seeking company, wishing for someone to stick by my side...

I hear a bout of surprised laughter and chatter. It seems another deer joined the stag I had been following... They seem to be friends, and immediately run off, prancing in the snow.
I am left behind like a scrap of dead leaf.
I stare in their direction, spiteful. What act of kindness was this?! Leaving me behind and ignoring me blatantly... All shreds of hope for company disappear and I cry at them angrily. They still ignore me, no matter how many times I call and stamp my feet and close my eyes to stop the tears.

But indeed... Who wants to stay with an odd, blind doe? One who's not as young as she used to be, one who can't jump and dash and run around anymore...
I am just a dying flower in this biting snow.
I grind my teeth and walk in the opposite direction, seeking the Pond where sounds of activity resonate.

I listen and the sounds are all jumbled up, cries and hoofbeats and the sounds of spells ringing through the air. It is same with the scents, but I sniff and find one far away from the others... A little fawn, alone and apart from the group. I feel a tug within my heart from the familiarity of this situation...


"Can... Can I play?"
Curious sounds. Turning heads.
A child's contemptuous voice.
"We don't want to play with you! Go away!"
Sneers, laughs, the stamping of small hooves.
"You're a little midget girl! Go away! You're not old enough!"
The voices, fading. The rustle of bushes and branches being swept past.
A lonely, bitter little sigh.


"Child," I call softly, straining to hear where she is. "Child... Are you lonely?"
I hear her run away. I frightened her, the poor thing! But I mean her no harm.
I decide to follow her from a distance; surely she will get used to me.
When I finally catch up to her I am startled to find her being chased by a nameless stag. But the poor thing! Oh, dearie me!

I run as fast as I can to try and distract the nameless, for though I believe he means no harm, the little fawn is scared to the bone and I'm sure it's horrid for her health.
Thankfully he is not one of the most determined and wanders away quickly. I turn to find the fawn and nuzzle her, poor thing, and tell her it's all right, but I am interrupted by the sudden appearance of a stranger by my side. Startled, I bolt a short ways, but I am already tired, and cannot dash anymore. The stranger (I can sense he is wearing the black and white pelt of the Orca) is a persistent fellow, and though he bows, he is intimidating, and things become even worse when he begins to circle me and hop around me. Oh, the cruel beast! It is like he is caging me, keeping me captive! It is as if he knows I cannot run anymore, and is playing with my senses! Go away, please go away!

I cower and shiver again and again, even taunting and crying aloud. He rears and taunts, and I think he is going to attack me for a moment, but he seems to find me dull and leaves me after a little bit. Oh, thank the gods!

Catching my breath, I walk on to search for the little fawn.
I find her sitting by herself in a warm, sunlit place. She stands, noticing me near, but I quickly nuzzle her to assure her all is well. She is confused at first, the sweet little thing, but she does not run away any more and instead nuzzles me back. Hum...

We sit together and take small walks, keeping each other warm in the snow, and my fondness for her grows. Indeed, I feel like a grandmother, watching over her like this...
I smile as she tucks in her head and falls asleep into the world of dreams. I, too, close my eyes, and feel sleep come upon me... Hum... The snow is not so cold, really... Especially with another at your side...

Sweet dreams, dear little fawn... I only wish I had enough time ahead of me to see you grown. I only wish I could see your face...

{...and without a name, she sinks into dreams...}


Note: The events from today have been split into two parts; this is part one. In reality, it all happened together, without her sleeping in between.
I will try to get part two up (her time with Queze) sometime soon.
It will be the last one...
ocean's picture

"Little one, worry not. Ye

"Little one, worry not. Ye are abandoned by others, but I shall never abandon thee. I shall sit by thee if I chance to encounter thee. Ye are never alone, my dearest. Never."
That'd be Voice. Yes, she probably would call even the oldest stag 'little one'. I'll have her roam about; she'd love to accompany Hat Lady.

Hubalaboo's picture

*smiles* Thank you, Voice.

*smiles* Thank you, Voice. Perhaps someday we will meet. *nods and smiles*
Hm... I don't remember THL meeting her... What did Voice look like?

D': *clings to the Hat

D': *clings to the Hat Lady*
Don't be so ominous!!!

Seed's picture

I am sorry I couldn't be

I am sorry I couldn't be there to give you warm company, as I did in the rain. I never seem to have the luck to be around when you're around; this ought to be remedied.


Click My Creatures Please!
Hubalaboo's picture

...D: *is clinged to*

*is clinged to* ^^;
Dear Seed, oh no! Please do not apologize. But yes... *smiles and nods*
Seed's picture

I don't think I'm

I don't think I'm apologizing; I'm merely sorry, if that makes any sense. I wonder what the best way to remedy that would be?

Click My Creatures Please!
ocean's picture

Er, wait a minute, I don't

Er, wait a minute, I don't think she did. xD For some reason, I forgot hat lady's set and thought someone else was her. |P