(^cover illustration, or something) ("read more" for a little story type thing)

Amary was looking for a new playmate when she came across a stag sleeping in a flower bed. There were some does nearby, but when Amary tried to approach them, they cowered and ran off, leaving Amary very confused. Why were they afraid?

When they returned, they still seemed frightened of her. But this time, they sat down together, and one invited Amary to sit with them. She did, though she wondered why they seemed to be waiting for that stag to wake up.
When the stag did wake up, there were some greetings among the deer, but then, curiously, the does all ran off, leaving Amary alone with the stag.
Though confused by their behavior, Amary quickly forgot about this, and approached the stag. He seemed hesitant at first, but unlike the does, he didn't run away. Amary was glad for this. After all, she just wanted to play, and make friends. Although, the stag seemed confused when she tried to get him to play. So, instead, she began to dance.

The stag seemed to hesitate again, but then he joined in.
When trying to make friends, Amary thought,
dancing seems to usually work. When a fawn wandered over, Amary invited him to join in as well.
The stag was quite a good dancer. Amary even learned some new moves from watching him.
This was interrupted when the stag seemed to hear something, and ran off. Amary followed, hoping he wouldn't mind. She wanted to play some more.
When she found him again, he was with some other deer, presumably friends of his. Nobody seemed bothered by Amary's presence, so she stayed.

And then there was more dancing, and general frolicking about.
So, Amary thought,
this is Baal, the one I've heard whispers of. I'd always thought those stories must be greatly exaggerated, and now I'm sure of it. In fact, I can't imagine any of it could possibly be true! He's no different from any other deer. So, I don't understand...where do such stories come from?
Well it's not
really a story. I just wanted to try to make Amary's first meeting with Baal somewhat meaningful. So, here you have her first impression of him.
Also, I left out the part where Amary wandered off a bit after the does ran off, because I couldn't remember what happened.
And, I just assumed they were all does, even though one had bigger antlers, but they're the same as Amary's, so I wasn't sure. I'm sorry if I got it wrong.
P.S. Amary enjoyed her time with Baal and the others.
Heh, the brown doe is Fei,
And when I left it was because i had ot get out of the forest and Fei goes to this one place to sleep.
P.s. She wasn't waiting for Baal to wake but the other two where.
Some day I'll die and run up to satin and yell, "I'M YOUR PROBLEM NOW!!"
Satin: Oh F***
Ah, so that's Fei. I
And, no, it didn't seem mean at all. Actually I kinda thought it might have been something like that. As for Amary, she was really just more confused than anything.
Nueva Paz (new-AY-va Pahz)
Spanish - "new peace"
Just call me Paz.
deer: Amary
Yeah thoguh she has the
I don't know how you would know her picto...
And Fei was too, since she doesn't knwo Baal.
Some day I'll die and run up to satin and yell, "I'M YOUR PROBLEM NOW!!"
Satin: Oh F***
Well, because you were one
Nueva Paz (new-AY-va Pahz)
Spanish - "new peace"
Just call me Paz.
deer: Amary
The fawn that started
My deer is named Desk, he's a fawn right now, He's special to me, and it friendly, don't be offended if he rears on his hind legs, most of the time it means "I want to play"
My Main deer is named Desk c: my secondary deer is named Solarity~
Oh, yes, I've seen you
Nueva Paz (new-AY-va Pahz)
Spanish - "new peace"
Just call me Paz.
deer: Amary
I had fun I'm glad I met
My deer is named Desk, he's a fawn right now, He's special to me, and it friendly, don't be offended if he rears on his hind legs, most of the time it means "I want to play"
My Main deer is named Desk c: my secondary deer is named Solarity~
See? He's the biggest
It was nice to meet you in forest. Baal was quite happy to have a dance partner.