all i could put in this morning.

Apoidea's picture
It's a feeling of being blessed.

The world spread before him forever blooms in lush greenery and brilliant flowers. Each leaf appears to be created from emeralds, an expert craftsman carved centurion birch and oak from nothing at all as pedestals for the small treasures. Below these beautiful leaves flows a carpet of the softest grass and mosses one could ever imagine.

It is the sight of heaven itself.

He felt unworthy to even view such a place. The great marble statue behind him seemed to silently urge the deer on like gentle parents.

Page carved his way down the hill toward the crystal pool below. The Gods watched on with white stone eyes as their newest child reached the muddy edge. Cold water lapped at the shore, drawing the stagling nearer to the deep expanse. The world seemed to slow as the being neared the precipice and peered over into the pond. The new hue to his fur mimicked the gemstone world he now called home. The buck didn't believe his reflection was really his new form. The little light of his forest name glowed gently above his head. It was him.