All Alone [Very Big Image]

I want TEF back! .... =[

4 Days without the lovely fun of other deer frolicking around in happiness!
Kenzu is getting very lonely and desperate to get his set back! He's all nakey!

I hope it fixes itself soon. I keep constantly trying to reconnect with everyone.
But... To no prevail. ;_;

xx Jayne


I tried once more today, and well, I left it alone to see if that would work, just
leaving it to work. And after a few moments of not even touching it, this error
came up which is quite common, yet, this time, there was just no reason for
it to come up!:

Uninstall, and Reinstall the

Uninstall, and Reinstall the game.

I tried that several times.

I tried that several times. Almost over 5 times. Still... nothing...


Draak's picture

Yeah...different versions

Yeah...different versions dont work me I tried....

All I really do is post about it on the forums and hope for a reply...though I still havent gotten one :\...from a week ago....

There isnt much you can do but try and ride it out :c I've gone that long without picto spread too...until one day they just decide to spread and it appears to have fixed itself.

DraakxMitra C:

Thats happened to me before

Thats happened to me before but it fixed itself over time. The error you got is what I get quite alot.
All I do is come out of TEF and then go back on and it works ! Smiling