Pictures below~
Got out my watercolours today and made a few ACEOs.

They're 2.5" by 3.5". It's only my second time painting with watercolour, so they're probably not very good ;u; But they were fun to make! The top and left-hand ones are of my TEF character Fieran (who unfortunately has not been in the forest for a while because I've been busy. He's going to get fat if he doesn't get a run around soon

). Hopefully you can just about glimpse the crying idol in the top one! The other is a random deer guy because I was just in an antler-drawing mood. Also my first attempt with masking fluid!
The ACEOs are all for sale here if you're interested:
Aaand this is a sketchbook doodle of Fieran. He looks a little derpy because that's what happens when I try to watch TV and draw at the same time :L And I still suck at deer anatomy. I've been studying an animal drawing book I got but didn't have it with me at the time. Ignore the random floating girl XD
If the pictures aren't visible, let me know and I'll give you a direct link X'D I've had a few issues with posting pictures here where people have said they can't see them.
These are really good,
I love the top watercolour picture, frickin amazing! o.o The forest looks so pretty.
Thank you! It's so difficult
Art website: