This was very creative, I love the idea of the big brother being in the little brother's heart; very visually intriguing, as well as mindboggling. Haha~
Definitely makes you think on the words you speak, for sure.
I actually gasped, too. HOLY CRAP THAT FREAKED ME OUT. I LOVE YOUR ART. -breaathesss- this is such a creative idea; I, too, love the little brother's face ;; -hides with her stuffed animals-
I have to say, I was not expecting so many quality entries so quickly. I have been very pleasantly surprised.
I think the first thing I have to say is that I didn't really know what to say, in reaction to this. There was no over-the-top gore or obvious scare tactics for me to focus on; the horror in this is so beautifully subtle. It seems like it should be such a nice idea, a brother always being with you - but there's so much this piece asks about that basic idea, and the answers the viewer tries to come up with are as subtly disturbing as the image. The image feels like the younger brother's heart, but the older brother is so much stronger and poised - the owner of the home is like a leach to its guest.
I love it. I also think the eyes being their respective brother's color is a nice touch. Very well done.
Thank you so much everyone, the feedback from this is fantastic! :'D
Corg: You especially I have to thank for your comment. It isn't often I get deep artistic analysis and it's nice to hear you were torn between the what should be cute and yet isn't. Subtle was what I was going for so I'm pleased you pick up on everything I included!
Well... That actually made me
That actually made me gasp. Good show, mate xD
>8D Mission accomplished!
Oh yes I freaked out 8D
Huh all entries are so great already ;;
Holyshi- That's jsut
That's jsut fantabulous -flaps hand-
This was very creative, I love the idea of the big brother being in the little brother's heart; very visually intriguing, as well as mindboggling. Haha~
Definitely makes you think on the words you speak, for sure.
The idea is neat and I love
Geeahh! D: Something about
So... congratulations! xD
And here I was worried this
I'm glad you all have enjoyed and been trouble by this! lol You're such good sports.
I actually gasped, too. HOLY
I have to say, I was not
I think the first thing I have to say is that I didn't really know what to say, in reaction to this. There was no over-the-top gore or obvious scare tactics for me to focus on; the horror in this is so beautifully subtle. It seems like it should be such a nice idea, a brother always being with you - but there's so much this piece asks about that basic idea, and the answers the viewer tries to come up with are as subtly disturbing as the image. The image feels like the younger brother's heart, but the older brother is so much stronger and poised - the owner of the home is like a leach to its guest.
I love it. I also think the eyes being their respective brother's color is a nice touch. Very well done.
This is so good. o_o
Woah was not expecting
This is so original! & The sweetness of their conversation makes the surprise so much more surprising!
Thank you so much everyone,
Corg: You especially I have to thank for your comment. It isn't often I get deep artistic analysis and it's nice to hear you were torn between the what should be cute and yet isn't. Subtle was what I was going for so I'm pleased you pick up on everything I included!
Amazing. @ v @
-hugs them and squeals as it squishes-
I wish I could figure out why
All I know is that it is very unnerving indeed.