Would you

onyxsoulclaw's picture
Would you lie to me
Betray my trust
Say one thing and mean another

Who are you! To lie to me

You say your a friend
Dont play me fase
Using two voices to create a void
to cause anger, and get symphthy
Would you do this??

If so
Then know this
You should be who you really are
The real you
Not the Hyde
But the Jeckel

If not then you shall have nothing!
No one around you
You will be but a worm benith the sod (old eniglish word for ground/dirt/soil)
You can not have everything.

You can not play others against your self
The truth burns through
The pain the hurt you will feel
The regets the darkness

Do you really desereve this, want this, Why cause yourself such terrors. Friends who want to be friends never want to be bertrayed When you lose a friend true or not.... getting them back can take a lifetime.

Call wolf and it is the wolf you shall become.