The Trouble with Birds <<;

Anzel's picture


Anzel entered the forest. Went looking for The Arrow, but yet again, couldn't find it. Came across a rock cluster and nicknamed it the Leaping Stag. Saw a dove, screenshotted it, simple as that.

Went to rest...decided to go near the half-stump large rocks, and tried to rest.

She saw a bunch of birds, decided she might as well just get close-ups. She moved away, but the birds stopped coming to the area....

She discovered that only when she was sitting between the four rocks, did the birds appear. She is now calling this place Bird Rock, even if it's made up of 4 rocks, since they mainly perch on one of them, and rarely on a second.


If you are scared of birds, don't look at this screenshot, there was one time, for a split-second, where there were 9 birds in this spot. All of the bird pics were taken within a period of 5 minutes <<;

HOW is a deer supposed to SLEEP here?

I mean, come on!!!