
Viee Fawn Entry

I am brand spankin' new to this game/site. I just joined today!
And because so I'm still just a wee little Fawn.

I decided to make it a girl and name her "Viee" which just sounds like vee. xD

I picked my icon/sign cause it looks like a little person sitting with lil ears! So cute!
Anywho, I hope to draw lots more art of Viee and make lots of friends even if I'm a bit shy in-game. ^^;

Echee's picture

Isa & Timber

AHHHH! For you Isa! Now you can stop figiting with stuff on your desk! Eye To me it looks like Isa is checking out some hot stag to the right XD. I hope you like it, though its terrible! Laughing out loud


My brother's deer Conri. ^^

Timber (lol less than 30 mins work lol)

Here's Timber's request.Hope yo. like it
surtor's picture


Don't hate em' cause you ain't em'!!!

Forest Fairy Ring

Delightful to all lie down in this ring of mushrooms!
Echee's picture

A Drawing Of Kona

I think I have really improved...Oh and just ignore the fact that its sideways. I drew it at a slant accidentally XD! Laughing out loud
Syltar's picture

CopperLeaf Stag

From my Deviantart Gallery: Oh my goodness....I can't believe how much I procrastinated on this. So this is the long overdue trade with Ms. Colonel-Strawberry. I used a new technique which meant that I didn't have to sand it quite as much. The eyes...which you can't see in these pictures are violet. The image of the Blue Waters Deer and the CopperLeaf is just a size comparison.

It's so much better in real-life.
Waiting for a layer of matte-finish and then it's ready to ship.

Sculpted by Syltar/Splitcat
Owned by Colonel-Strawberry

Nothing new here but I do love the way his face and legs turned out. It's still a rather basic shape but C-S loves it so I'm happy. Um...yes that is copper-leaf on his antlers. Laughing out loud

Bright And White

A picture for the trade with Shanol.Sorry for the bad coloring, but im still waiting for my professional pastels.And sorry for the stretch
Kanaf's picture

Flower Set

a little... feminine, but i remember one of the pelts in my dream to be flower related. and this was one of my favorite flowers. so what do you think?
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