*~* The Sylphide and the Fawn *~*

Paralda's picture

It was a day of those in which there is nothing that to count. A doe and her fawn grazed to the edges of the Pond.
The small fawn, innocent and curious decides for a moment to abandon the proteccion divine of his mother, after be going to harass a butterfly that caressed it since toward few minutes.
The Greats Twin Gods, in a sudden attack of boredom, decide to sink to the Endless Forest in a thick fog.
When the fawn fell in the account, he was defenseless and alone in the middle of the Forest, shouted aid, but nobody listened it. With the light of his picto as only sign, the fawn illuminated timidly each movement that he listened.
The fear was only his company, to be been quiet him caused panic, with the to ululate of the owls and the howls of the wolves, the small fawn did not have possibility of peace. While more wolves howls, the mind of the fawn only was able to expect the worse thing. of their friends, the fawns, listened to relate zombie deer's stories that awaited in the fog. The timid mind of the fawn, not able to breathe of the fear and the anguish.
-Where it is mom?.- was asked to himself.
After some bushes to be moved, the fawn rotated on himself agile.
-Will be a wolf? -His mind roared without hope to return to the maternal heat. - -will be a zombie deer?-
Upon illuminating the moving bush, a colony of bats was thrown on the small fawn. -MOOOOOOMIIII!!!!- the small one roared. Running what its legs yielded him. themselves internal even more in the Great Forest. The bats without ceasing hounded it. A white sudden Light illuminated to the annoying creatures. the fawn hill the eyes before the magnitude of the Light.
As soon as the Light ceased. the fawn sought distrustful the reason of the sparkle. He saw weakly the silhouette of a Sylphide.
-Who you are you?- asked timidly.
- ... - The Sylphide did not answer.
- Can you guide me to my mother?- I ask anxious the small one.
The Sylphide without responding, gave a smile and fled.
The fawn, without losing the posibility of obtaining aid, and company in the half-lights, pursued her.
-Wait!. - The fawn roared.
The Sylphide seemed it not to matter the desperation of the small fawn, and each so much one, turned, smiled and continued running. After rotating among a grove, the fawn noted that the Sylphide there was vanished.
-But how can it be?.- was asked himself once more. The fawn I sniff algun trace of the mysterious Sylphide. Did not find anything. Without hopes the fawn I snuggle himself in the thick herb, and crying, prayer.
His tears slipped to the dark floor, that, with the fog barely glimpsed.
He was asked himself if his mother had noted already his absence, who he would cry him and that would pass if the he was not already with them.
While his tears sprouted, he felt a heat that resulted relative. with a bit of hope that his mother would have found him, he raised the view, and what saw he was not what he expected to see: The Sylphide knelt to his side, crowning him of red flowers. the Sylphide without speaking, caressed and smiled him.
The fawn, felt his tepid hands caressing him, causing feeling in company in the darkness.
The head of the Sylphide was crowned with oranges candles, her skin was like a butterfly, smooth; and seemed to possess a species of own shine.
The Sylphide rised slowly, and smiled him again.
The fawn had a light sensation that the Sylphide would help her to return to his mother. He followed her.
On the way, the Sylphide full to the fawn of games, and songs. the Light of the Sylphide filled him of hope and heat. The fawn hop around her while the Sylphide sang. when the fawn fell in the account, the thick fog had descended, and was able to note well on what he was stopped. To the distance already could be seen the statue of the Twin Gods.
The anxious fawn, hurried the step. upon being being in advance of the Sylphide noted the silhouette of his mother.
The small one did not expect and ran toward this roaring of happiness. His mother, worried, filled him of kisses and caresses.
The fawn, counting her what happened, desired anxious of presenting her to the Sylphide. upon being turned to see it. the Sylphide was vanished along with the fog.


lDDD my literature sucks.. but was amused to write it!

lol sorry my bad english!