[stop telling me] you love me.

Alphafrost's picture
--below cut---

I can always keep dreamin',
You'll be keepin',
Right there with my thoughts,
But that's a blatant lie,
That both you,
And I,
Know about,
So don't act like,
You can stay right,
Right beside me,
All of the time,
Because It's all,
It's all your little lie,
You dreamed up a world of fantasy,
Can you give me,
My reality,

Or was it just a,
broken promise,
on the verge of,
A smile,
Given directly,
To me.
I sincerely,
Hope not,
Because that'd be wrong,
Of both you and me.
[Why do we fall in love so easy,
even when it's not right?]
There's a thin line,
And I can't keep it thin,
And you run,
You run in.
Into this amazing world,
But at the price of me,
Me, knowing it was ruined,
Stained, crushed,

Can you promise-,
Wait, what am I,
I, the child, telling you,
The adult,
You wouldn't try,
Even if you know it's a lie,
You tried to keep me enraged,
A caged animal,
But that,
That was so easy to escape.
But then came,
Your little game,
And, hey, guess what?
It involved me.
Yeah, me,
That little nobody,
Who lied and gave up almost,
Almost everything,
And realized what she was doing,
And stopped, stopped,
Halted in her tracks,
Promising she'd never,
come back.

I think I lied to myself with that one,
Gave myself false hope,
Cried too much,
Said too little,
And broke.
I wonder, have you ever,
Ever felt what it's like to cry for something,
You just watched die?
No? Well now you have,
Now it's so simple and plain,
I'll fall in love with Robin Hood,
And make myself a new name.
Even though you're still under my skin,
Slowly, slowly crawling in.