July 23, 2009 - 9:23pm — Topaz100
Hot and bothered runners, on the line to go
And bands of people throwin the javelin all waitin in a row
The people look round sneakly at the rely line
And people at the voly ball hope they hit the ball in time
All the groups standing together in the tug of war
Hoping they don't get pulled to the ground, in an effort so sour
The high jump people try to fly in the sky like a butterfly
While the runners up take their luck and listen to the cry
The comentator wails in all his glory behold
He hasn't had this much fun in sports day since the last time it snowed
So even though your team may loose or even get disquilified
You still have that relieving thought that you had a good time!
We had a sports day! It was ok but it rained, but that is the spirit of sports day, win together, loose together, get wet together, seya soon! Txx
.P.S. If you don't mind i have done some poems not to do with tef, i am trying to get some different insperation, hope you don't mind