shh...Its not finished but..

TheSnalf's picture

....I am working on it!
Awhile back I opened up requests but sadly High School got in the way and slowed my art down to almost a stop. Im happy to say that its summer break and I'll be working on these again!
I've tried a new stile that will hopefully move the requests along faster. Also an official blog with the list of request that im currently working will be posted sometime today! For now here is a WIP of Dag who was requested by VCG!

Verycrazygirl's picture


DAGGY! <333333

This is looking amazing! O_O

TheSnalf's picture


Why hello there!

Im glad you think its looking good so far! Im hoping to have him finished and up by the end of this week!


Seele's picture

Lookin fine! I like that

Lookin fine! I like that heaadd a lottt <33 I'd love to see the end result!
Reyy's picture

This is so beautiful...

This is so beautiful...
Zeekii's picture

Dag's looking awesome so far,

Dag's looking awesome so far, I too would love to see the end result ^^
TheSnalf's picture

@Seele- Yes the head was such

@Seele- Yes the head was such a pain to get!

@Ravynn- *fans* No fainting now! Eye
p.s. I cant stop staring at your sig image 0-0

@Zeekii- Thank you~ <3


Kiraki's picture

Already looks stunning, can't

Already looks stunning, can't wait to see it done ^^
Iaurdagnire's picture

8D *glee* I love love love

I love love love this so far, I can't waaaaaait to see it finished!