Sooo yeah made few set concepts, hope you like them! ^^ More to come...
Im not really good at naming these.
oh and the lineart is by moss! I only own the design ideas.
Another mantis version... Got lazy with this but uploaded another drawing of it to the "fan art in the game" post..
This one was inspired by a praying mantis..
This was inspired by the Great grey owl. The antlers are female reindeer antlers, used the pair I own as a reference. Northern touch.
Here is a reindeer pelt with male reindeer antlers, and a reindeer jaw as a mask.. Id really love to see reindeer antlers in game
I love these desings! They
hnng I'm gonna die *v*<3
Oo I love the reindeer pelt!
And I really would looove to see caribou antlers in the game too, they're so beautiful!
the last one is awesome! want
Holy wow! O: These are
Discord: Gulonine#4267
-Sepi32014 Thanks dear! *u*
Thanks dear! *u* nuu dont die *catches* ;_;
Thank you! Yeah I used as a reference a domestic finnish reindeer, they really vary in color.. c: I love that caribou you did tho *-*
Thanks <3 c:
Thank youuu! <3 But I wouldnt say "boys" the middle one has actually female reindeer antlers
It's gorgeous *.*
I am in love with these! *D*
I love the idea of a jaw bone
We need moar these ;A; !
First one is my absolute
asdfghjkl the praying mantis
Especially the mask I love it so much ♥
And the bottom jaw idea is really interesting, like Mis said! C8
Profile picture by ahimsa ♥
Pixel Wis by squeegie~
Your concepts are beautiful.
aasdsafadf so many ppl
yaaay thanks *U*
Thank you! I like that one quite myself too c:
There shall be moree....~ övö when I have time
Thank youuuu~! I got rather inspired with the white and green 8> I might do another mantis versions too maybe~
Thanks! *v* The mask was quite interesting to do..
afkjajskds thank youu ;A;
Oh that first one is awesome,
Thanks! ^^ They are Eurasian
awesome! I like every concept
I love the last one so
Really loved the Praying
-aica Thank you! 8> Im glad
Thank you! 8> Im glad that you like them..
Thanks! I think there should be somesort of reindeer/caribou set in the game c:
*U* Thank you! I hope I'll get the fawn versions done soon~