Seed's Poetry Corner: Valentine's Day poems, 2013

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Oh love...On this, most festive of your days, I offer forth some ruminations...
I'd write a Valentine, but there's no one here now to recieve it. Well, perhaps I'll write one to store for later...

This shall be updated with new stuff as it's written.

Had Roses Time Enough

Hold, roses!
Cease your tumble from some blossomy cloud.
Abandon the fate born for you, the airy path
or inconstant love and vein-winged damselflies:
Let not the wind break your petals,
turning the soft red into a near-black bruise,
crumbling the velvet of your flesh to rot;
don't let the ground consume you, fading you
into mulch and mold in amongst the leaves.

Just stay, and wait awhile,
that one day I could see you,
held forever in her eyes.

((More Later, one presumes. In the meanwhile, perhaps you'd like to check out Seed's Poetry Corner for your fix?))