*¤_Rinta's Biography_¤*

1273's picture

Pictogram~ X
Is~A deer
Age~18 and a half (human years)
Title~Has not :'(
Mate/Crush~ ... -...
Common~Monarch pelt,deer mask,gazelle antlers
Uncommon~DOTD pelt,deer mask,gazelle antlers
Rare~Monarch pelt,skull mask,gazelle antlers
Personality~ Rinta is a very playful deer,through she may sometimes be a bit stubborn in large groups.She tries to be polite to everyone but if you just keep annoying her,she will most likely go to some other place.She isn't scared of large deer and is entrusted is phantoms and such.She likes to be spellspamed and will always try to help other deer out in any way she can.
Friends~Quamar-Yori-SS-Corridor-Horizon-Sunfyra-Kanan-Hermeleentje-Pejgolt-Vala-Rouda-Sakura-Virgil-Nevi-Hermeleentje-Dindra(she does not know who this it-3).sorry if you were forgotten,please tell me.
1273's picture

im right near the twin gods

im right near the twin gods now
im ok Smiling thanks
Rouda's picture

And I am right next to you

And I am right next to you 8D
1273's picture

lol i see that now

lol i see that now xD
EDIT.ok i gotta go for a while now.i hope il brb ;D
Rouda's picture

Okay 8D If I am not at the

Okay 8D If I am not at the ruins anymore, I am at the Pond. 8DD Or something.

Edit: Oaah, I have to go now. I am sooo freaking tired. D8 hopefully we'll meet again tomorrow 8D
I'm gonna eat your shirt if we won't meet 8<
Erhm.. I apologize that. Roti is just.. well he just is 8D
Goood night guys(:
1273's picture

great >_> now i have to go

great >_> now i have to go for real ;_;
ok bye,i hope to see you soon again!
;_; i wish i wouldent have to go!BYE!
Rouda's picture

Lmao! Rin, you should see

Lmao! Rin, you should see Roti now 8DD He just noticed that he is in the list you've made about you're friends. He just keep bouncing and bouncing.. aaaand bouncing. Sometimes I think is he a bit retarded? D8
1273's picture

LOL OO; oh... Roti?are you

OO; oh...
Roti?are you ok?

Rouda's picture

Better than ever. 8>

Better than ever. 8>
1273's picture

8> niiishe!

8> niiishe!
Zerash's picture

I hope to meat Rinta!! (if

I hope to meat Rinta!! (if she is not afraid of fawns!! lol! xDDD)

clic the code down!

@ Rinta: Pride love your

@ Rinta: Pride love your deer Spill!! <33 ^^

Click here for your Dragon! : http://www.dragonadopters.com/

Verycrazygirl's picture

Baaw Vir isn't in the

Baaw Vir isn't in the friends list? |D
Teehee. Nice bio, easy format to read. ^^
Meet Virgil

Thank you Doe! ^^

1273's picture

oh,sorry bout that!*updates*

oh,sorry bout that!*updates* ^^ i always forget to update this thing >_>
Verycrazygirl's picture

Teehee, yay! ^^ Vir adores

Teehee, yay! ^^
Vir adores his butterfly pelted friend. ^^
Meet Virgil

Thank you Doe! ^^

1273's picture


:3 xD
dindra's picture

can i ask you why Rinta is

can i ask you why Rinta is so famous?
Verycrazygirl's picture

Because she is

Because she is awesome.

Rouda's picture

Verycrazygirl, I couldn't

Verycrazygirl, I couldn't say it any better.
dindra's picture

yes but i want that she say

yes but i want that she say some thing els to me!
Rouda's picture

Yays! I am on your

Yays! I am on your friendlist! C'8> Thankies. I really appreciate that you think I am your friend<3

I couldn't stop her, she is too strong. Well.. if she wants to be. 8>
1273's picture

When someone is as fun to

When someone is as fun to flay as you,they get on my list through some kind of magic ^^
deer are strong in general xD
...random thingie bout strong deer:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_FgnLY36mc
i hope the hunter is alive ._.
Rouda's picture

-hugs- you are such a good

-hugs- you are such a good friend. Like a sis to me <8

that deer really wanted to live instead of getting shoot. I'd have done the same thing if I had been he. Well. I wouldn't say that man is the hunter. I'd rather call that deer as a hunter. Maybe he just doesn't like when someone steals his mushies or something.
This is not the best time to laugh, but that deer's behavior, i've never seen something like that before <8DDDD

Next time when my.. erhm.. HONORABLE owner won't let me to forest to play with Rin, I'll do the same thing. -smiles proudly-
Dont. Even. Think. About. That. MISTER. ._.
1273's picture

-hugs back- :3 ur a very

-hugs back- :3 ur a very good fwiend too.A sis?8o 8> i like that.like a sis to me too.
i k-know xD
nether did i,that deer...*does -not- want to meet him* :> makes me lol and scared at the same time :s

Shocked ... Cool *blinks* ...-whisper- just make sure that she will stay alive!
-slaps Rin-
She didnt mean that ^^;

I surely hope that this MISTER won't think about it ._.

Rouda's picture

D'awww, thanks again<8 I was

D'awww, thanks again<8 I was fun to hang out with you today, but then something happen and everyone freezed. 8< Sorry for leaving, though.

But in the other hand it would be nice to have a deer like that by your side, he'd protect to from.. ehh.. EVERYONE 8DDD

Sure she'll survive, I am not a monster! D: without her, I couldn't meet you, sweetie. -blinks-

Okay Roti. Now behave! D: First you are trying to kill me, and then you are flirting with Rin.

Nooo, I won't think it anymore. I just finished my plans to do it! 8D

.. Sometimes I hate you, Rot.
1273's picture

it is ok sometimes it all

it is ok Smiling sometimes it all freezes for me too -.- .I like hanging with u too :>
lol,truth xD we could also try to ride it!8>
*has quite an idiotic smile on her face*..*snaps out of it* Cool that is good to know
*no comment*
... >8D?
*takes away all the cookies and eats them*
D8> *reconsiders vandalizing Roti's owner with Roti*
>8) now your safe!..at least from Rin..

Rouda's picture

You can try it first! <8D Go

You can try it first! <8D Go ahead. I don't mind if you take the first round. D:
Whoaa? 8< Did I say something stupid or?
You say a lot of stupid things.
-mumblemumble- ._.
Can I have one too? D:
I am still going to do that. IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME A COOKIE TOO! D:> I am begging you!
Thank god, one deer less! 8D
1273's picture

no,thank u please <8D

no,thank u please <8D xD
nope!8> u did not.
of course u can!*gets one for u* ;D
.. >8D well,Roti -dont- do that or u wont get any!..besides.i have a special one that i can spare...chocolate inside.....

lol *knows how to control deer with sweets* i has some hidden powers!! >xD

Rouda's picture

Wha! Are you scared! 8D I

Wha! Are you scared! 8D I left that honor to you, you have to do it >8D
I'll be good, I promise! D: JUSTGIVEMETHAFREAKINGCOOKIE!D: -runs and hides to nom the cookie-
You really do have some powers 8D
1273's picture

>.> i can say that u also

>.> i can say that u also are.cuz u left it to me xD
Smiling *gives 2 cookies*

i do,i do.xD lol
by the way...what are u doing now?-shoot-
Rouda's picture

Not fair! 8D being busy,

Not fair! 8D
being busy, editing screenies, (or I try), talking in MSN and stuff 8o
And you? <<:
This would be much more easier if you had MSN, browser doesn't like me anymore8<
1273's picture

lol are u gonna post

are u gonna post them?
and oh,i dont have and MSN,but i can always get one 8>
me?im just chatting,playing TEF (sleeping in TEF) and reading some random stuff ^^

Rouda's picture

Tomorrow if I get these

Tomorrow if I get these edited and uploaded to photobucket.. 8>

really? 8o You don't have? 8o I thought almost everyone has! 8D
1273's picture

lol *wantswants to see* lol

lol *wantswants to see*
lol well..i dont xD
Rouda's picture

I'll give you a hint, the

I'll give you a hint, the song Richard Cheese - Rape me, fits well to some of those screenies. D8>
Have you thought to get one? <8D
1273's picture

...*wants to

Shocked ...*wants to seeeeeeeeeee*
lol i think im gonna get one soon,but now im waaay too lazy xD;

oh and sorry for no reply for such a long time,i had to go Dx
Rouda's picture

You'll see later today, now

You'll see later today, now I have to visit my college or secondary school, or what tha banana it's in english 8D
dindra's picture

i am not on the list! 80

i am not on the list! 80

1273's picture

oh lol sorry *adds* Rinta

oh lol sorry *adds*
Rinta was having great fun with you,o course ur her friend ^^
dindra's picture

it's ok!

it's ok!