Part 6 Growing and a new enermy

Winter had come and with its power taken away the sun, taken life it's self from some. More often than not the strong did not live, but only the cunning the smart and the risk takers. Winters endless grip seemed to penetrate in to even the darkest hearts rendering them weak.

I no longer relied on Mortis for protection. I was able to fight off the Fox, the badger. I knew how to dodge the serpents strike and when the wolf came, I knew what way to run and how to keep a clear head. When 2 wolves attacked I stood by Mortis side and fought them. One escaped and one did not. I no longer despised the smell of blood, I relished it. Yet I was not evil. I was only surviving. I was eating to live now through the cold no matter how terrible the plants tasted.
I was out on border patrol with a new mentor, His name was Risk, He was named after his first deed during his initiation test. This was something I was soon to face. I was stronger now. But the test would only begin when my antlers started to show. We had been up before the dawn moving as shadows through our territory to its borders then circumnavigating the shadows land, checking for strange smells slots and sounds.
I was still new to the land and was relying on Risk to guide me whilst I tried to memorise the land.

As we approached a small brook we began to hear a strange sound and in our feet we felt vibrations in a sort of rhythm from up ahead. Risk turned to a holly bush to his left and asked it "How long has this been going on"
My ears pricked forward as I caught the whispered reply " Not for long. Shall I report it?" Risk looked back to the path. “No stand your ground but should you hear my bark then do not hesitate in flight". With that we began forward again, I could feel the deer’s eyes watching my back. Deer like that were choose for their skill as spies and no one knew where they were unless they wanted you to know.

Not far ahead we moved in to a bramble thicket and through the gaps in its branches watched something that struck me as so unnatural.

In front not 20 deer’s length away by the stream was a group of hinds with fawns.They looked like last years. They stood in a 3/4 circle facing something? Something small and green and yet white? It was a plant, a snow drop of all things. To this snow drop the hinds and fawns were dancing!! What the scat??

The fawns where bleating highly and trying to rear the does stamped the ground in unison and sang a strange little melody.
I stared in disbelief, Risk shook his head slightly and whispered “They have found what they think is the first snowdrop of the new cycle and the are celebrating it" I looked bemused and enquired " But there’s 100's in the forest that are far bigger than that one and why celebrate a flower?" Risk looked amused "They believe the cold times have ended foolish things, they think the new grass shall grow now, I bet your glad you’re not like that?"
I scowled "they truly are stupid deer, yes I’m glad I am better than them" “So what do we do about them?".
Risk began to back out of the hide "We leave them, but let them place a hoof wrong and they will regret it" I followed Risks example and backed from the bramble turning back to the trail we continued the patrol with the strange sound of the hinds and their fawns fading in to the forest. For an instant though I turned back and wondered would I have done that dance with mother? My heart felt heavy, I was sure she still lived and one day perhaps I would find her. I shook myself removing the light dusting of snow before moving back behind Risk and through the lightening forest.

Back in the glade the hinds and fawns had stopped dancing, they stood to attention as from the shadows another hind emerged. She had a wain and tired look. Her hide was littered with scars, cuts and bruises. Her eyes though were defiant as she stepped to the brook. Behind her came a fawn. Its pelt whiter than the falling snow its eyes pink as cherry blossom it's head held high and regal. Older than the others by several months. The Hind had been mated out of season, and somehow produced a fawn It stood to the hinds side then without warning stepped forward and with its hoofs crushed and pulped the snowdrop this all that was left was a sticky mess the snow stained green by its blood. The fawn looked up to the dark side of the forest. One day it would meet him and destroy them all.... one day. He’s father had told him, his duty to destroy the darkness. He would for fill it.

The does and their fawns down downcast turned and head back towards the grass lands, they time of joy ended. None dared speak out of the white fawn’s actions. Though some fawns glared there hate at his back and they followed their mothers.

Part 7