Momo's RP blog~
April 20, 2012 - 1:43am — Momochi
Kay, so. Today has been kind of awful and now TEF will not work for me, and I need some sort of pick-me-up. Not to mention I've been itching to do more writing for my characters and work on their mannerisms, interactions, etc....And I would love to get to know more of you all and your deer C:
As always I probably have the most muse for Ambrose because he's a total attention hog but would really like a chance to do more with the others as well; take your pick~! Also let me know which of your characters you'll be using, and if you want to start the rp or not. Ah, what else...I don't necessarily need huge paragraphs or descriptions or anything; it's up to you and your writing preference ^^ Just try to use spelling and grammar as best you can, and don't worry about how many rps are already going on; I can usually multi-task with these things c: And as always, let me know if you want to start an rp over email or messenger. Interactions from anyone always welcome ♥
You can get in touch with me via ....keep in mind that I'm a total MSN noob and have no idea what I'm doing so bear with me till I get the hang of it :'D
Characters under cut~
Ambrose; the Innocent: Pretty much nothing but spun-sugar-fluff. Good for snuggles, being a pillow, and invading personal space. Trusting, caring, naive, vain, and believes that no one is really evil or 'bad'. However, he can be wary of some who act too wild or insane or those who have been known to harm others.
Candlewick; the Enchanter: Sort of an enigma. Keeps to himself, speaks quietly, and practices his magic in the dark. Will usually need to be coaxed out of his shell before he grows fond of anyone and can be fairly protective. Has a strong sense of what he feels is 'just' and 'right.' Has a tendency to stalk from afar.
Tombur; the Gypsy: Tiny one-horned 'doe' who leads a nomadic life, almost always moving her feet and looking for something new. Can be wary, blunt, easily annoyed and very distrusting. However, she is also insanely curious and can usually be kept around by intriguing tidbits of information.
Vespertine: (Bio and appearance wip) A figment of imagination who was apparently dreamed into existence. Covered in crystalline growths and fond of shiny things. Quiet, not used to speaking, and generally friendly, but somewhat shy. Curious about other deer and their ways. (Presently on hold, but open to interactions c: )
Mirelle: A tomboyish young fawn with ALL the energy. Blunt, cheerful, and clumsy with a slight fascination for morbid stuff. She can, however, be quick to lose her temper or pick fights even with larger/older deer.
.....gaah. I needed to update this badly .__. I did not mean one bit to neglect this. /slaps self
And human or deer rps are more than fine~
Edit: Alright, free time! Do
Oh and Ambrose sounds adorable. :3
Candlewick please? He sounds
-has been distracted like a
Thank you both a bunch ♥ I don't mind starting~
though I may get a little carried away lol--------------------
The spring day had been a lazy one indeed. Ambrose lay sprawled on his side in a patch of hyacinths, basking in the sunlight that warmed the flowers' heady perfume. The end of his tail twitched slowly and he sighed, half-closing his eyes and paying no attention to the half-drunk bees that buzzed about. In this languid state hardly anyone should expect the white buck to pay any mind to passers-by; he was heavy in contented daydreams and hardly attentive to the forests' goings-on. Though choosing to be oblivious to the rest of the world perhaps wasn't the best idea.
Finally, dusk fell.
A sleek, dark young stag emerged from the trees, his swirled pale gold markings shining softly in the waxing moonlight. He inhaled deeply, savoring the dark chilly scent of evening and feeling at peace with the quiet sounds of night creatures. The silk over the right side of his face fluttered as he walked on silent hooves to the pond’s edge, pausing to survey the banks with silvery-lavender eyes. Seeing no one but catching the faint scent of someone near, he carefully proceeded to the water’s edge. His ears moved about and he remained vigilant while he drank, waiting for the other to present themselves.
Sodesi Her footfalls were
Her footfalls were silent in the brush as she entered the clearing, drawn by the cool scent that indicated the fresh, clean spring of water. Her light beige coat was thick but of a smooth texture, swishing in the breeze almost inaudibly.
Desi's head hung, but her ears swiveled to detect danger, and her sterling eyes scanned the water's edge. Encouraged, she moved closer. Her throat was parched. She had been wandering the Forest, emptiness filling her head, every motive that she had seemed tainted, wrong.
Then the other deer's scent made her recoil briefly. Sodesi froze. She gazed at the stag, caught off guard, an unlikely happening for her. She forced herself to resume her errand, dipping her head gracefully to the pond's surface. The relief was instantaneous. She slaked her thirst, and turned to the stag.
"Hello," said she in a small voice, not even able to be sure that he would hear her.
Candlewick watched the doe, a
For a moment the she took in
"I came for a drink of water," Her voice was soft, rhythmic and muted as the slender doe. And her brow furrowed, asking the stag in a similar method. She was...intrigued by the stag. Usually other deer she encountered were different, but that meant they were also different from her.
Candlewick barely smiled. "I
(Agggh, so short, I'm sorry ^^')
(It's okay c:) "My name is
"My name is Sodesi," she told him, "And yours?"
She was somewhat pleased with herself for her social interaction. She had been wandering aimlessly for very long, with little desire to be with other deer.
The doe paused, waiting to hear his answer, and dipped her head once more to sip from the clear, still pond. The ripples spread from the surface of the water. She tilted her head slightly, her expression open, friendly. Some said that she was like a book, easily read by any deer's eyes. She couldn't help it, though, and someday her too easily earned trust would be broken. It was only a matter of time.
"You may call me Candlewick,"
"Only when it suits me," said
"Do you have any family?" she asked in a small voice, tentatively extending the question. Her own family consisted of her older brother, Myszka, and her older sister, Agrona. Sodesi hadn't seen her sister in a long time, however, and she thought back briefly to the days when they had played games of tag and raced at this very pond.
Her parents were another story. She didn't remember her parents, and her furthest memory consisted of awaking; as though from a deep sleep, into the Forest. The only life the doe knew was with Myszka and Agrona, watching over her as she grew and matured.
She lifted a delicate hoof, and examined her dappled brown fur, using this to avert her gaze as she continued. "I only have my siblings...I never knew my parents."
(Blarg, sorry for late reply.
Birds chirped and cicadas whined as warm sunshine poured over the forest like honey. The faint sound of rushing water and the dappled shade under juniper,fir, and birch trees beckoned all who needed a respite from the heat. Sam arched her neck in pleasure as she stepped over leaf and rock. It had been a cold winter, and the new found warmth was like an aphrodisiac to her senses. Her eyes flicked back and forth as she walked, ears swinging, on the look out for danger, but also for a likely flower patch. Sunlight played across her short coat and played on the soft golden markings while dark hooves made a steady rhythm. As her hooves touched grass, the sweet scent of lavender and hyacinth greeted her in a wave. The doe quickened her pace, nearing the glorious patch of warmth-only to have another, half hidden scent reach her nostrils. She paused, feeling her concern rise, and then spotted a pale form among the plants. A deer? What of it wasn't a deer? A huff of breath and a small head shake expelled some of the gnawing anxiety in her belly. After all, this....other... didn't seem that large, and it wasn't moving. Cautiously, Sam inched forward, red-gold ears forward, nostrils quivering.
@jinxyness Candlewick
Candlewick glanced at her, expressionless. It was a personal question, certainly, and the stag was never really one for personal answers. Though one's family was always a curious thing; and as she had answered the question herself Candlewick felt obliged to respond.
"I knew my father," he said quietly, and cast his gaze aside so as to think. He could not say what had become of him; Candlewick had left on his own and had not seen his father since. "And my brother is here, somewhere." A brief frown flickered across his face; said brother was an annoying thing, the type to cluelessly find his way to trouble without even realizing it. How many strings would he have to continue to pull to keep Ambrose from ruining himself? He sighed. It couldn't be helped. "What are your siblings' names? Perhaps I've crossed paths with them at one point or another."
@Embyr: (It's alright, you're fine C: )
A large black-tipped ear flicked back when Ambrose heard the doe approach. He remained still for a moment, not wanting to let go of this last bit of heavy laziness that still clung to his limbs. With a sigh he finally stretched his neck and forelegs before rolling over onto his stomach, his hooves tucked elegantly underneath. The pale buck shook his long forelock out of pale pink eyes and looked up at the doe's hazy silhouette with a charming smile. "Oh, hello...I can't really see you when you're way over there." Ambrose's voice was lilting, almost musical when he spoke. A small laugh escaped him. "You can come closer; I don't bite." Of course he didn't realize how close the doe already was.
All motion on her part
"Good day....I- I do apologize for breaking your sleep. Large ears flatten nervously. Liquid honey brown eyes briefly meet the buck's pink ones. "I do beg your pardon..."
She didn't quite know where to place herself, so Sam paused a few feet before the buck, where he could see her clearly.
(My gosh, she's such a coward. XD)
(Short replay is short.
The doe's brow furrowed as she tried to remember the last time she had seen her sister, "My brother's name is Myszka, and my sister is Agrona." A realization hit her, and she internally scolded herself for being so brash, so open and giving away anything and everything to a deer she had just met without batting an eye. So much for being reserved.
@embyr Ambrose tilted his
Ambrose tilted his head, puzzled at the doe's formality. "You're so polite..." He admired what he could see of her gold-patterned coat and the coppery sheen it took in the sunlight as she moved toward him. "But I wasn't really asleep, don't worry. And oh silly, that's hardly close at all~!" With a dozy, cheerful grin Ambrose rose gracefully to his hooves and stretched his legs once more. Small leaves and purple flower petals clung to his long fur and tangled in his mane and tail though he gave little indication of caring. Without any regard toward the doe's hesitation he stepped forward and began to take in her scent. She smelled...singed? "Will you tell me your name?" he asked once he drew closer with the intention of gently nuzzling her forehead.
(Awww XD And Ambrose is so clingy...)
@Jinxy: (It's fine XD So is this one; Candlewick doesn't talk much... .__.')
Candlewick paused to think. "Myszka, hm....? I believe my brother might be friendly with a Myszka. Agrona, though, is unfamiliar to me." He eyed Sodesi curiously. What was that look for? "Do you regret telling me this?" he asked, though he couldn't blame her. There are those here who may take advantage of such ready information. Though Candlewick was not one of them.
"I am not always sure who I
The golden doe ducked her head, glad to have gotten it out but conflicted about whether it was the right thing to say. Desi didn't want to embarass Candlewick, or drive him away from her.
"Would you like to lay in the flowers, and we can continue speaking?" Her pelt was thick enough to warm her as the air cooled, but her legs protested against her as she stood. She flicked her tail towards a patch of violet wildflowers that lined the edges of the clearing, and paused to study his expression as she awaited the stag's answer.
Sam's neck twisted to the
(I think he's rather sweet. ^_^)
@Jinxy: A brief nod of
A brief nod of understanding was given. But then Sodesi's next statement surprised him; his eyes widened slightly and he stared. No one had ever told him that sort of thing before; how should one reply? But then he glanced away quickly so as not to seem impolite. "That is....good to hear, I suppose."
He glanced at the flowers that her gesture had indicated and slowly nodded. "Of course, if you wish to continue speaking. My apologies for having us stand for so long." Without another word Candlewick strode toward the violets, making sure to leave some of his candles' light behind so as not to leave her in the dark. His magic was usually subtle and used for such small things, and helped him to speak without any more words than were needed or to extend a gesture without getting too close. Which suited the stag perfectly well; unlike his brother, strangers who were too touchy-feely made Candlewick nervous.
"But it's true; you speak so properly. Though there's no need to." Once again taking no notice of her discomfort, he gently touched his muzzle to her forehead, smiling sweetly. To Ambrose, contact was important; his sight could only do so much when acquainting himself with another. But the proximity of touch only heightened awareness of the other's scent and their sounds, as well as movements and the very feel of their fur and figure.
"I'm Ambrose," he told her. But then he mirrored her expression, head tilted and ears pricked forward. "But what are you sorry for? Believe me, whatever you've done needs no apology. Come, sit with me~!" Ambrose gave Sam a soft nudge before moving a few strides away amongst the flowers, where he sat like a cloud nestled among them.
Deciding to take ques from
"It is...another habit of mine. But I dislike to intrude upon others." Her liquid eyes then tracked his movements as he turned and floated gracefully amidst the flowers, settling there comfortably. A moments hesitation, and then she followed, weaving between some rather tall clumps of lavender to settle on the soft grass beside Ambrose. While the close proximity to a male scared her, she reveled in the feeling of being neat such a restful and pleasant creature on a beautiful day.
She cringed slightly at his
The doe nestled herself into the flower patch, almost invisible among the blooms, her thick fur swishing as she settled herself in a comfortable position, rustling the leaves. They sounded too loud to her in the quiet, so she turned her head to find the stag again, simply seeking out the light of his candles among the brush.
"It is alright," she mumbled, late in her response and resisting the urge to apologize back to him for her impolite behaviour.
@Embyr: "Oh,
"Oh, doesn't matter." Ambrose smiled and gave a small hum of pleasure, half-curling himself around the smaller doe. His mane, which had been growing noticeably longer within the past few months, floated a bit in the breeze. The white buck gently shook the hair out of his face and stuck his nose into the wind. Ambrose closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, losing himself in the flowers' aroma.
"Mmmm, doesn't it smell divine..." he murmured. He stretched his neck forward to nip a few buds from their stems and chewed. He savored fragrant taste and vaguely wondered what sort of dye could be made from the flowers. It could be worth a try one day to experiment...Ambrose then remembered the company he was in and turned his head to face Sam.
"Have you ever dyed your fur before?" he asked without leaving his previous train of thought. He was genuinely curious about the subject matter, after all. After that incident with the blueberries....
Candlewick had settled a short distance away and watched as she made herself comfortable. His eyes seemed to shine eerily from under his forelock in the candles' light, and he blinked very little; a fact now made apparent by their proximity. His ears flicked back slightly as the sound of leaves churned the night air, but he remained quiet.
"Tell me, Sodesi," he said after some time. "How long have you been in this forest?" He waited patiently for an answer. He had been in the forest for a few months now, having come here after becoming aware of this place's deities during one of his meditations. His superstitions had made him reluctant at first to leave behind his previous home and his body, but the wealth of magic the forest held and his own hunger for knowledge had compelled him to forget his fears.
Sodesi closed her eyes
A deer was standing over her. Her brother, all long pale hair and tapered antelope antlers and two-colored pelt. A mini-deer, but still larger than her, with her twig legs and dappled coat.
The first day she could remember, her first day in the forest. It had taken her a bit of time to accustom herself to life in general, but her brother was always there for her.
The doe's voice was quiet, "It was a few seasons ago that I awoke here; this is the only place that I can recall."
The midnight stag watched her
"What of the gods here?" he inquired, "What do you know of them?" The deities had so far proven to be as strange as their woodland and though they seemed reclusive, the forest was continuously saturated with their presence. Candlewick was determined to know more of their ways and capabilities.
I am going to track this,
Hehehe, alrighty~ XD Just let
and no more soul-stealing, pffftMomo, I've been super busy,
Aw, don't worry about it c:
Pretty: Pffff! I promise to
Pretty: Pffff! I promise to keep it safe! *fistshake*
情
Ambrose: Riiiight, that's
Riiiight, that's what they all say xPAAAHHHH what did you do XDDD
Edit: nvm fiiixed it C:
"I know little of the Twin
Sodesi was wistful as she spoke of them, the Gods were a source of awe for her. She was actually a quite devout doe, and though she wasn't very dramatic about how she spoke of them, she liked to think they were always watching, and knew that forcing her beliefs on others would be quite rude.
Candlewick nodded slowly as
He thought on this for a few moments before glancing back up at the doe. "I'm sorry if this is a tired subject. Change it if you want. They just...I feel like I've been caught up in some spell. I want to know more. About the gods, about this place!" His expression and his voice held some sort of fervent rush, as if his quiet demeanor that hid a strange hysteria or elation had slipped away for a moment. He immediately withdrew and looked away, flustered by his own outburst, and fell silent once again.
"No?"After a moment, Sam
She started slightly when he spoke next, but became confused. Was he talking to her? Her head swiveled in his direction as she watched him delicately behead the flowers in the surrounding area. They looked quite appetizing, but eating them would mean there would be less flowers for the forest to enjoy, so she stretched out her neck and cropped some of the sweet grass. Her companion's sudden question surprised her. "No, I didn't think you could use these flowers for dye." She blinked up at him. "Have you? Your fur would take to dye marvelously." The doe nudged his soft neck without thinking, then froze. I hope I wasn't too forward..
"I don't see why they
"How is the pigment
Sam watched as he explained about the dye, his lovely eyes shining. It was nice and a little baffling to see a deer enthusiastic about something as simple as flowers. "That sounds marvelous." Then, in a smaller voice,"Would you........would you care to teach me? Or I could just assist you in making it." The doe's ears twitched back and forth nervously.
(Blarg, my muse ran off and now I can't find it. Short reply is short. :l)
(It's alright ^^' And eek,
And eek, sorry for not getting to you sooner, but I'm still in the process of moving and really stressed and generally blaaah, and I have absolutely no muse lately, I'm really sorry .__.' I'll get back to this later in the weekend though, I promise~)
(hey, don't worry about it.
(Fffuuu. Really really late
Ambrose paused to had the dye been collected? Goodness knows he had been chattering too much to really listen to the stag's explanation, much to the latter's distaste. "Ah....I'm not too sure....really. Something about crushing them, mixing them with water or something, and then using magic....?" If only he could find the stag again to ask him; he always seemed like such a reclusive fellow who wouldn't be seen unless he chose to be. "I-I mean, I would teach you if I could remember." He let out a small nervous laugh. This was quickly turning embarrassing. "But we could always experiment? It could be an adventure~! Or something." Ambrose laughed again and finished gathering the stems of flowers into the pile. He tilted his head and looked at them, wondering just what it was they had to do next.
(Hi you.~ adsfsd It's really
She watched as he stopped, thoughts seemingly turning inwards. The does waited, shifting her weight slightly, eyes roaming. It made her feel better to keep watch. A bird soared by and scolded them loudly, causing her to jump. "Oh, I do apologize...." The doe stilled, hoping she hadn't angered him. His brow had creased slightly at his remark. Had she embarrased him?
The doe bobbed her head, lowering her her eyes to their grassy blanket. What to do, what to do.... Sam reached her red-gold muzzle towards him and bumped his shoulder gently. "It is not necessary... If you don't want to. We them instead? She laughed nervously, looking away.
(Fffuu, and I'm doing such a
And my muse is, like, gone |D;; so this post might be kind of short and uninteresting, my apologies ;n; )
"Eat them?" Ambrose smiled and his tail swayed, eyes shining with amusement. Well yes, that seemed like a good idea. "If only we had some honey, then they would be even better! Even so, I like the way you think~" He chuckled softly and divided the pile of lavender between the two of them. Curiously eyeing the fussy bird out of the corner of his eye he shifted his weight slightly to lean against Sam, turning his attention once again to the task at hand. But at this close range he noticed the scars on her neck. He nudged one softly from his own curiosity, but refrained himself from asking anything. He didn't want to be too intrusive.
A cool breeze gently brushed
It took a while before she arrived at the birch, but his bright white fur was easy to find and the doe kept a slight distance between him and his company. She'd leave if she would disturb them, but knowing Ambrose he would be happy to see her. A few nuzzles were given before they sat down and Pretty almost crawled into his fur. "Hmm, you're so soft.."
Ambrose giggled softly as his
"I'm glad you're here, Pretty." With a small smile he allowed himself to relax, as it was only did then he realize how tense he still was from his earlier confusion.
(yeeeeeeaaa replying late.
There it was. She heard the doubt in his voice and was instantly hit with trepidation. Inwardly, she cringed, waiting for the anger to come........but it never did. The other's body shifted, rose eyes sparkling with some emotion. Something in what she said seemed to have amused him. She felt herself relax again as his soft laugh carried on the warm air. A slight held tilt, then, and she turned her eyes questioningly to his open face.
"What is honey?" Blood rushed to her face at the combined embarrassment from her ignorance and his compliment. Thank you. I...just spoke my mind. Trying to cover it up, her head darted forward and the doe grabbed a mouthful of the flowers. A complex sweet/bitter taste permeated her mouth and distracted her senses momentarily. Ears lowered thoughtfully as her companion gently nudged the burned piece of skin on her neck. She didn't mind much; it was healed and pained her body no more. Sighing, the doe's copper neck slowly leaned towards him until the underside of her jaw rested on Ambrose's soft back.
"I haven't had...many pleasant dealings with fire....
@Dannii (Dude idk 8D We could
(Dude idk 8D We could always start again where we left off with Tombur/Ramone if you want, unless you want something new XD Don't matter to me bro)
(Oh my goodness I'm so sorry for not continuing x___x I lost muse for a little while then things got crazy in irl and aksfdhjfashfd. Are you still up to continuing with these two? ;u; ♥)
[[ a NEW oNE would be best I
(Ha, okay~ XDD; The only ones
YoU CoULD PRoBABLY THRoW HER AT KEITH he's used to inhuman shit believe me |8 ]]
(Bahaha, alright. Should I
Should I start? :'D /indecisive and probably not helping at all)
[[ YES you do it because it's
(Hahaha. Alright. AND GO TO
And I'm sleepy so akdhasklhdg this post might suck mkay)
The human realm always smelled so awful. Especially in these cities. She could never fathom how any of the Fair Folk could stand being in such a place, much less living there. It was smelly, and artificial, and filthy, and grey...and yet she was here, seeking out several of her kin that had apparently nestled down in a safe haven somewhere among the metal skeletons and graffitied concrete. She hadn't the slightest clue where to start looking for them, and as it was generally unsafe to go about in broad daylight even with a glamour, she had managed to find a small dirty park to shelter in until nightfall. Which, judging by the darkening sky, would be here soon enough.
To any passerby she would have appeared to be a child, sitting on a bench with her knees propped up. She seemed inconspicuous in plain clothes that seemed to be too large for her tiny frame, but a closer glance would show her dark reddish hair that was braided and locked, and a freckled face that belonged to no child. She watched with one visible eye as pedestrians hurried past, unnoticing. Few would actually see her. Even fewer would see the large pointed ears that battled their way from under her hair. She didn't mind not being seen one bit...unless, of course, someone decided to sit their ass right on top of her. One instance where invisibility would suck.
And the people here. They were so odd, and rude. She watched with disdain as they littered and defiled one of the few green spaces she'd managed to find. Her eyes narrowed. Make them pay, she thought to herself. Even if it was technically the sprites' jobs to avenge the flora, and even if she was too lazy to really do anything with so many people around.