June 28
Libra may a bit slow on the uptake. After grueling moments of trying to get through Libra's thick, if rather fashionable, skull, you may find yourself despairing. Look around. You can sometimes find comfort in
strange, fascinating places. It's never too late to form new respect for others.
June 24
A new sign arises. A moon. A tumor. You may sense
immaturity, but also the stink of fresh clay. Perhaps this one can be molded into something of use.
♣ ♣ ♣
The group may be rebellious, ridiculous, and downright frustrating, but stick to your guns. It may not be the way you expect, but eventually, one way or another, you'll help them
get it together.
June 22
While Gemini is not always the root of the problem, she may mess with you while your guard's momentarily down. Don't fret about sticking your antlers in her face.
Virgo can always clean up the mess later.
♣ ♣ ♣
If Gemini seems attached to Scorpio, it's because she didn't hear the laughter while we watched her dance.
...I heard it.
(No subject)